Or, if you're testing 2 vs 1 then that might work better too (it'd make it easier to anticipate their firing cycle and dodge at the rate times)
Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 08 Nov 2011, 23:01
Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 08 Nov 2011, 09:33
Mr Pinguin wrote:
It's actually a little peculiar that you're so quick to trust my (quick and dirty) tests even while you're mocking/challenging my analysis.. But anyway... I don't think anyone here was actually arguing that Coopers were OP'd so I guess it's a moot point as far as balancing goes.
Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 07 Nov 2011, 06:08
Mr Pinguin wrote:The Valiant range advantage is pretty minimal (60 vs 50 for the Coopers), and the Valiants are slower (speed 5 vs speed 6) and their turret can't shoot directly backwards (just like the Cybran and Aeon destros), so I don't think they can do that much kiting.
-_V_- wrote:Mr Pinguin wrote:[edit: I just tested this a couple times on my own (2 Valiants vs 4 Coopers), and I don't think the coopers are much of a match for Valiants. I may not be the absolute best micro-er (I think I'm pretty decent..), but the fact is that a couple Valiants put out a pretty good RoF and they actually have OK torp defense and, of course, way more HP. So even though I was able to dance and dodge a ton of fire from the Valiants, a few lucky hits is all you need to lose your Coopers. That said, this may work better vs Exodus or some other destro..
Confirming what I thought without trying. Those torp boats are amazing but just against submarines. They are like babies vs any surfacing ship
Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 07 Nov 2011, 05:26
[edit: I just tested this a couple times on my own (2 Valiants vs 4 Coopers), and I don't think the coopers are much of a match for Valiants. I may not be the absolute best micro-er (I think I'm pretty decent..), but the fact is that a couple Valiants put out a pretty good RoF and they actually have OK torp defense and, of course, way more HP. So even though I was able to dance and dodge a ton of fire from the Valiants, a few lucky hits is all you need to lose your Coopers. That said, this may work better vs Exodus or some other destro..
Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 07 Nov 2011, 04:20
Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 07 Nov 2011, 03:52
Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 07 Nov 2011, 02:44
Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 07 Nov 2011, 02:06
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
Possibly, but I doubt it'll work in large numbers. How do you micro all of the coopers there (It might work if they all do the same thing when you give them all one and the same move order), but then there's still the possibility that the intended target doesn't get hit but unintentional targets get the full blow, with the same result: dead coopers.
Anyway, I do think UEF coopers are good as they are now. They are capable of doing what they're meant to do and can occasionally take on a destroyer.
Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 06 Nov 2011, 22:03
Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 06 Nov 2011, 21:51
Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 06 Nov 2011, 12:21
Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 06 Nov 2011, 03:48