Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2012-03-01T11:25:17+02:00 /feed.php?f=11&t=750 2012-03-01T11:25:17+02:00 2012-03-01T11:25:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7726#p7726 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>
Anaryl wrote:
I have decided to list every conceivable balance issue in one thread along with some of the proposed solutions, for an easy point of reference. This is in no particular order, Please feel free to add or propose solutions, issues, questions or queries.

T3 Artillery

Would be nice if they could take down shields.

Issue: Useless.
Proposed Solutions: Reduce costs & increase damage. Make targetable by SMD.

If the actual satellite dies then the Novax center dies too making it even more useless. Just reduce the costs or increase the damage, but both seems to be too much for a weapon you can't shoot back at.

Aeon T4 Experimental Battleship

Yea it's pretty useless right now. I don't play Aeon enough to make a good judgement on it, but seems to me it should act more like the Atlantis.

T2 Mass fabricators

It would be nice as an option if you have some energy to kill.

T2 Artillery

If you make it too good then it'll counter all navy but UEF.

T1 Bomber

Moving the radar to the air scout sounds good to me. Only air scout I use is Seraphim since deathcam. Other than that they're pretty useless.

I don't like how T1 bombers can take down so many targets in so little time. It is a risk, but I don't think it's enough of a risk.

Cybran T2 Hover Tank Wagner

Cybran have the best navy to take out hover units and the only T1 gunship oh and the only T2 gunship that does area damage. The Wagner is awesome with good HP, good DPS and good speed. It isn't meant to take out any navy really.


It would be nice to see them in regular games instead of thermos and phantoms.


I agree that it will break Aeon by nerfing them.

T2 Gunships

Just decrease their HP slightly. Flak is still pretty strong though so I don't care either way really.

I did leave some out, but I'm pretty sure the others were addressed already.

Statistics: Posted by Gunseng — 01 Mar 2012, 11:25

2012-02-29T15:47:34+02:00 2012-02-29T15:47:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7634#p7634 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]> It's easy for beginners to get confused and build massfabs instead of mexes.

Sure, to veteran players it doesnt sound like a big deal, but when SupCom is already accused of having a overcomplicated economic system...

Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 29 Feb 2012, 15:47

2012-02-29T02:11:43+02:00 2012-02-29T02:11:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7592#p7592 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>
FunkOff wrote:
Sunder wrote:
david.vanisacker wrote:
I kinda agree on Terran T2 Pd's being a little too effective too.

Starcraft Slip?

UEF used to be called the Terrans before the switch, mid-development, to the name UEF.

I suppose I should start calling the Cybrans the Recyclers...

Statistics: Posted by Sunder — 29 Feb 2012, 02:11

2012-02-29T00:32:43+02:00 2012-02-29T00:32:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7577#p7577 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>
Sunder wrote:
david.vanisacker wrote:
I kinda agree on Terran T2 Pd's being a little too effective too.

Starcraft Slip?

UEF used to be called the Terrans before the switch, mid-development, to the name UEF.

Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 29 Feb 2012, 00:32

2012-02-28T23:35:50+02:00 2012-02-28T23:35:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7571#p7571 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>
david.vanisacker wrote:
I kinda agree on Terran T2 Pd's being a little too effective too.

Starcraft Slip?

Statistics: Posted by Sunder — 28 Feb 2012, 23:35

2012-02-29T00:09:06+02:00 2012-02-28T21:18:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7551#p7551 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>

I kinda agree on UEF and Aeon T2 Pd's being a little too effective too.

Statistics: Posted by david.vanisacker — 28 Feb 2012, 21:18

2012-02-28T15:47:58+02:00 2012-02-28T15:47:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7537#p7537 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]> 4 sera coms kill a ML with one shot
why dont give the others coms some kinda of OC too.

and for all the others discussions, i think that mass fabricators should have a mini buff but i dont want simcitys shit like in vanilla lol.

and for me t2 pds gunships and torpedo bombers, should be nerfed.

t2pds should be a nerf on dps or in build time.

ppl can really easy do eco all the game, and when you go to kill them they can put up some t2 mega fast with high dps pds, kill your stuff and after reclaim it, and still having a mega eco. Then your tactic will do dont attack and turtle too.
that normally happen in teamgames

and we have a turtling game lol.

t2 gunships and t2 torps
i discussed taht many times, i think they need be like in 3599, in 3599 nobody used it cause all ppl go fast to take t3 air, but now at least me is more efficient be in t2 and spam t2 air stuff better that t3.
cause gunships and torpedoes can effectively kill all including AA units.
let them like in 3603 or at least some nerf,

Statistics: Posted by Armmagedon — 28 Feb 2012, 15:47

2012-02-28T15:23:35+02:00 2012-02-28T15:23:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7536#p7536 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide]]>
But do no hope that any idea/analysis/reference guide will be taken in account for any patch.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 28 Feb 2012, 15:23

2012-02-28T15:00:44+02:00 2012-02-28T15:00:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7534#p7534 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide.]]>
uberge3k wrote:
I'm not quite sure what the point is?

Those issues have already been brought up and discussed in their respective threads (in some cases, many, many, many, MANY times, and in others, they are now outdated due to using old patch data).

This is true. I think people like Anaryl are bringing these issues up, however, because they do not think they have been solved, nor do they see any obvious indication that they will be solved. Anaryl didn't explicitly say this, but it seems implied.

Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 28 Feb 2012, 15:00

2012-02-28T14:55:32+02:00 2012-02-28T14:55:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7532#p7532 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide.]]> Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 28 Feb 2012, 14:55

2012-02-28T14:54:25+02:00 2012-02-28T14:54:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7531#p7531 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide.]]>
Those issues have already been brought up and discussed in their respective threads (in some cases, many, many, many, MANY times, and in others, they are now outdated due to using old patch data).

Even if such an "ultimate balance reference guide" were necessary, it should be impartial and list all proposed solutions - which is not the case. Therefore, it looks more like it's a list of demands than anything productive.

Statistics: Posted by uberge3k — 28 Feb 2012, 14:54

2012-02-28T14:44:14+02:00 2012-02-28T14:44:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=750&p=7530#p7530 <![CDATA[Re: Ultimate Balance Reference guide.]]> Statistics: Posted by Raging_Squirrel — 28 Feb 2012, 14:44
