Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-11-14T12:21:36+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=15444 2017-11-14T12:21:36+02:00 2017-11-14T12:21:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156496#p156496 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]> Statistics: Posted by tatsu — 14 Nov 2017, 12:21

2017-11-14T10:08:28+02:00 2017-11-14T10:08:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156493#p156493 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]>
maybe someone with time and motivation will code an option to make foes quack in aeolus instead of hiding their messages but i doubt that anyone will

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 14 Nov 2017, 10:08

2017-11-14T09:44:42+02:00 2017-11-14T09:44:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156492#p156492 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]> Statistics: Posted by tatsu — 14 Nov 2017, 09:44

2017-11-14T04:52:49+02:00 2017-11-14T04:52:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156485#p156485 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]>

I was talking about that (maybe solved? maybe not) sometimes even if you foed someone, you can still receive & read his message in aeolus.

And ok I see for lobby/in game, thanks.

Statistics: Posted by surtsan — 14 Nov 2017, 04:52

2017-11-13T14:45:56+02:00 2017-11-13T14:45:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156439#p156439 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]> Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 13 Nov 2017, 14:45

2017-11-13T14:38:03+02:00 2017-11-13T14:38:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156437#p156437 <![CDATA[Re: Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]> Statistics: Posted by tatsu — 13 Nov 2017, 14:38

2017-11-13T04:16:10+02:00 2017-11-13T04:16:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15444&p=156418#p156418 <![CDATA[Does it happen that you can read messages from foe ?]]>
I've found this issue on github, and I was wondering if this bug was still there.
So did it happen recently (within the last weeks) that you can sometimes receive messages from foe (the ones tagged in red in user lists) ?


Statistics: Posted by surtsan — 13 Nov 2017, 04:16
