chunky wrote:
Hi JJ173,
I'd enjoy developing the Facebook or Twitter side of things should you find the need for me.
I have 4 months experience working on the social media team at the tech start up where I still work. I would be happy to provide the links for the Facebook and Twitter pages via private message so you can see the standards I am used to working to with regards to social media.
My role currently is as a Patient Experience Manager in healthcare and as such I deal with sensitive issues and people in crisis by live chat and email. The FaceBook messages for FAF will be of a less sensitive nature than these patients of course but I would have open and honest chats about any issues faced in the community and I would have no problem delivering a great heartfelt service at the same time.
I have been involved, as a player, in the FAF Community for 2 years now. I found the game due to a love of TA! I'll be with you all for a while - like it or not - and It would feel great for me to help to support the game in a more meaningful way.
I'm in the GMT time zone but due to the nature of my work im awake and free to be online any time of the day depending on my shift. I can access social media in work and would be free to manage the FAF accounts in addition to my current role.
So there you have it! I didn't want to overload the post with too much info but if you like what you read and feel like you would like to discuss things a bit more with me then do get in touch!
Are you on the FAF Discord? If so, ping me there. I can add you to our promotion room and we can start some more work.Statistics: Posted by JJ173 — 08 Jul 2018, 01:13