Tagada wrote:1. There is limited number of tree groups used as props for maps and all the props have the same values across all maps (except if they are damaged ofc). I don't know myself the exact values bcs it's better to just grasp the idea and learn it through experience while playing.
2. After you break the tree group then the sum of mass and energy of all the single trees that were comprised in this group is 2x greater then what you would get from reclaiming the tree group. But it's much slower so to get x Energy and mass in y time you would need z more Build power which would cost you more resources.
https://github.com/FAForever/fa/pull/2912/files (The Pull about broken props modifier)
3. A safe assumption is 1 pgen per engie reclaiming tree groups (on factory attack move) bcs even tho tree groups yield much more power then that they also provide with mass and you need more power to spend mass. Also you don't wanna underbuild power bcs if you suddenly run out of reclaim/stop reclaiming bcs of overflow ( engies stop reclaiming if your resource bar is ~80% ( I think)/you get raided and engies loos order then you suddenly have no power to even build any pgens.