Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-02-07T21:24:01+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=2980 2013-02-07T21:24:01+02:00 2013-02-07T21:24:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2980&p=29556#p29556 <![CDATA[upcomming balance patch]]>
I heard we will have the next balance patch comming soon. As i will be away for a month i would like to make my call now i hope it gets into the discussion threads.

FAF name: laPPen
global rating: 2000 +
1v1 rating: 0 (i dont play ranked)

my suggestion: Is one i already made in the "buff aircraft carriers" thread in december and it goes like this:
lets give those aircraft carriers a role that fits into their faction, give each faction the carrier they need.

Aeon and Sera need a good option to produce air in late game without hitting the unit limit too fast. they do not need a carrier as anti air ship they have hover flaks and shields,
air is not a big issue for their navy forces.

cybrans need a decent aa option on water for lategame. the cybran cruisers really suck in terms of their aa performance and there are no shields or flaks for them to help out on this
point. Cybran do not need a floating airfactory in order to not hit the unit limit to early - they have hives for that.

my suggestion would be buff aeon/sera carriers buildpower + 25% and nerf their aa capacity about the same amount.
Buff the cybran carriers aa for 50% and nerf their buildpower in equal scale as trade off.
(numbers are negotiable)

in my opinion those changes would be good for faction diversity + they would help their factions on points where they perform really bad compared to the other factions. and last but not least the changes would help to give carriers a clear role in the game. Whenever i build a carrier at the moment they perform ok in both thier roles (aa / factory) but they dont do either job really good. im always insecure how i shall use them in game (propably they do a bit better in airproduction than in terms of anti air atm)

It would be nice if ZEP could save this as my suggestion to the balance thread when it starts.
Further i would like to name ICKEN to manage this suggestion in my place when the polls start and if there is any more babysitting needed for my suggestion. He understood the purpose of this idea really well so he can make things clear if they are any more questions about what i mean.

thanks for your attention

Statistics: Posted by laPPen — 07 Feb 2013, 21:24
