jcgarcow wrote:
I understand the arguments of growing the game, and improving balancing over time, but is there a chance that there will ever be support for more than one version concurrently within the lobby? Since the patching is non-destructive I don't see why I couldn't have a 3599, a 3603, and a latest installation available and just launch the appropriate binary when hosting? This would certainly make it more appealing to my friends who have been playing for years and are really emotionally attached to 3599. Personally I'm nervous about how well I may be able to adjust playing games against different groups of friends on different servers... if I learn a tactic on 3599 will it be applicable on 3603, 3609, etc? How does everyone else handle this?
I've only recently discovered FAF myself, and I obviously can't speak for Ze Pilot or his plans for balance and Steam compatibility..
However, if FAF is compatible with balance mods (apparently it is?) and you and your friends are wary of playing an ever-changing game, then you could consider just learning 3603 and using that mod as your basis for all play.
Legion Darrath has made a few different versions of the "3603" mod that emulates GPG's beta 3603 patch:
(If you don't like the little changes in his later versions, I probably still have the original release somewhere on my HD. LD's original release was basically just a copy of the 3603 patch, except for a couple crazy things like Transports).
As you might've read earlier in this thread, the Steam version of the game is actually using the 3603 balance anyway, so if some of your friends are learning the game with the Steam version then they'll probably find 3599 weird, if anything. (FYI: The Forged Alliance campaign also uses totally different balance than the skirmish/multiplayer game, and I think that might surprise some people. This is mostly true with the experimental units I think, but I no longer remember all of the balance differences in the campaign).
PS: There's a nice list of all of the 3599 to 3603 beta-patch changes here:
PS #2:I assume you know about the FAF wiki and unit database? They might be helpful if you're trying to learn about balance changes and unit strengths.
http://www.faforever.com/faf/unitsDB/Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 15 Nov 2011, 12:18