T1 engie has 5 for 150 and can move and takes less space...
A hive also appears only at t2..
And engi can also actually start building structures...
Maybe hives open and close sequences are somewhat better, even than they are still total crap for cost.
At what situation are they ever the best assist unit to build?
Sure thye can be upgraded but they are still not more cost effective in terms of build power and you cant start making them at any point since they lose in cost lot until they reach their final tier.
Their build time is also excruciating..they might be ok at super late game eco when u can just rush through their tech tiers but even than..why go through the effort? you already have a huge army of engineers / factories.
and the metal cost is the cheapest comapred to t1 engies.hives cost an abscene amount of energy and build time compared to the equivalent resources of t1 engies...
In general what is the reason for making build power more expensive with the tech tiers...Is it a states goal to create a build pwoer bottleneck and force t1 engi spam?
With engie mod T2 and t3 engies are still less efficient and hives are still total shit.Either balance them or remove them?Statistics: Posted by CopyyyCattt — 24 Jul 2013, 04:11