Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-02-17T08:19:08+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=6688 2014-02-17T08:19:08+02:00 2014-02-17T08:19:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65615#p65615 <![CDATA[Re: target]]>
Golol wrote:
its unfortunately not a ui mod

It needs to be :(

I hate pestering the modders for things though, I always feel really guilty

Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 17 Feb 2014, 08:19

2014-02-17T07:56:43+02:00 2014-02-17T07:56:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65613#p65613 <![CDATA[Re: target]]> Statistics: Posted by Golol — 17 Feb 2014, 07:56

2014-02-17T01:49:07+02:00 2014-02-17T01:49:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65579#p65579 <![CDATA[Re: target]]> that's awsome !

so I will be able to use it, in every game I play ? (I mean it's not a mod or something like that ? )

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 17 Feb 2014, 01:49

2014-02-16T22:55:49+02:00 2014-02-16T22:55:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65562#p65562 <![CDATA[Re: target]]> viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6459

Statistics: Posted by Dragonfire — 16 Feb 2014, 22:55

2014-02-16T22:51:56+02:00 2014-02-16T22:51:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65561#p65561 <![CDATA[Re: target]]> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5866&hilit=priority+markers
all hail to domino

Statistics: Posted by Golol — 16 Feb 2014, 22:51

2014-02-16T22:20:36+02:00 2014-02-16T22:20:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65556#p65556 <![CDATA[Re: target]]>
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
(i.e. Put enemy units highest on the priority list in-game?)

of the unit of your choice. Yes.

I don't know if ACU is the highter in the priority list, but what I'm sure is that sometime I can't give a move order and still focus down an ACU.

happens with my salem destroyer often, with monkey lords, and my ACU too. (there is a video made by zaphod, where my ACU is targeting down funkoff's ACU trying to escape, I give move order to keep him at range, and my idiot ACU change target, I lose 1-2 shots, and then com blast of ennemy ACU kill me)

so there is definetly a matter if you want to micro correctly your units.

"The best you can do is give the attack order and then simply wait and see what happens." => doesn't work if ACU escape.. the only way is to block it with your unit... not possible in every situation

"can you get a unit to attack a specific enemy automatically?" is it possible to fix that ? I'm mean in a patch or something ? or it's hopeless, and I have to deal with it ?

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 16 Feb 2014, 22:20

2014-02-16T21:27:14+02:00 2014-02-16T21:27:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65545#p65545 <![CDATA[Re: target]]>
Anyway, the ACU was put higher on the priority list, so I think that the units will all automatically attack the ACU when they can.

Anyway, to answer your actual question: can you get a unit to attack a specific enemy automatically? (i.e. Put enemy units highest on the priority list in-game?) No, you can't.

The best you can do is give the attack order and then simply wait and see what happens.

The next question that you're likely to ask, can we change that? Can we have an in-game priority list to let units automatically target things in the preferred order just as they move through an enemy base? I'm not sure we should do it, because there are things to do manually, both on micromanagement (targeting units yourself - your question applies to this bit) and macromanagement (giving all units orders and managing economy).

On the other hand, it is certainly a nice thing that would allow you to plan a full attack in the seconds before you actually attack, with only a few clicks, which makes the micromanagement itself a lot easier. So it's an interesting idea anyway.

Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 16 Feb 2014, 21:27

2014-02-16T20:40:11+02:00 2014-02-16T20:40:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6688&p=65541#p65541 <![CDATA[target]]> like for exemple : I build a monkey lord, then I send it to the front. In range of the opponent ACU, the monkey is still firing to other stuff, so I need to manually target the ACU, but this one is trying to get out of range, so I've to give move order to my monkey lord, and then ML change his target even if the ACU is still in range...

like maybe double click right on the opponent ACU (even if it's not at range); so to fix the primary target of the unit.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 16 Feb 2014, 20:40
