Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 18 Feb 2014, 10:32
cam_DefaultLOD default value for camera level-of-detail scaling factor
cam_DefaultMiniLOD Default LOD for mini-map
cam_EntityBoxExpand How much to expand the entity box when targetting entity
cam_FarFOV FOV to use for perspective camera at farthest zoom, in degrees
cam_FarPitch Pitch of camera at farthest zoom, in degrees
cam_Free Allow the camera to remain rotated
cam_MinSpinPitch The min pitch resulting from a spin
cam_NearFOV FOV to use for perspective camera at nearest zoom, in degrees
cam_NearPitch Pitch of camera at nearest zoom, in degrees
cam_NearZoom Closest mouse can zoom in to terrain
cam_PanSpeed How fast the camera pans.
cam_SetLOD Set the lod scale factor for a camera
cam_ShakeMult How much camera shake to allow.
cam_SpinSpeed How fast mouse spins camera, in degrees across screen size
cam_TrackProjectileTimeout Delay after tracking a projectile.
cam_ZoomAmount How far to zoom in response to the mouse wheel.
cam_ZoomSpeedLarge How fast the camera actually moves in response to a large zoom.
cam_ZoomSpeedSmall How fast the camera actually moves in response to a small zoom.
Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Feb 2014, 10:10
Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 18 Feb 2014, 06:09