Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 30 Apr 2014, 01:29
sasin wrote:3.) It's really not noob friendly, because new players don't know how much tmd exactly to build, nor what's going on. There's no explanation as to how much you have to build either. It's basically a random advantage for experienced players over new players. Experience should help with a game because you get better at operating the game, not because of some random knowledge.
sasin wrote:
4.) It doesn't seem very skill based... it's pretty much the classic definition of cheese, right? You don't rely much on your own skill, more on your opponents lack of knowledge or inability to to build tmd...
Most of the time when I see complaints like this it is from people who either #1 aren't scouting or #2 totally panic when they see it happening and don't do anything about it. If a player drops his com in the middle of the ocean or somewhere near you at a certain point in the game, it is EXTREMELY obvious what his intent is.
Statistics: Posted by sasin — 29 Apr 2014, 23:27
sasin wrote:3.) It's really not noob friendly, because new players don't know how much tmd exactly to build, nor what's going on. There's no explanation as to how much you have to build either. It's basically a random advantage for experienced players over new players. Experience should help with a game because you get better at operating the game, not because of some random knowledge.
Statistics: Posted by sasin — 29 Apr 2014, 23:01
Statistics: Posted by Aurion — 28 Apr 2014, 16:02
SAKO_X wrote:[...]
the reason its "op" is because countering it brings you an advantage anyway, and not wasted resources.
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 26 Apr 2014, 07:46
Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 26 Apr 2014, 02:10
Statistics: Posted by errorblankfield — 26 Apr 2014, 02:05
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 26 Apr 2014, 00:25
Statistics: Posted by Lame — 25 Apr 2014, 23:10
Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 25 Apr 2014, 21:07
Plasma_Wolf wrote:I've watched the replays you put in an earlier post and for as far as I've seen, the power of TML strikes is very dependent on the element of surprise. In the earliest replays, the effect is pretty definitive but it isn't game changing in the later games (even hurts more than it helps, especially when your team is already outnumbered in terms of land units). Even then you managed to get a lot of mexes down, but your opponents managed to win regardless.
Statistics: Posted by Lame — 25 Apr 2014, 20:51