Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-05-13T00:05:12+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=7353 2014-05-13T00:05:12+02:00 2014-05-13T00:05:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72795#p72795 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>

Not sure if this falls 'depth' protection status though. Yea, it's more depth in the sense you have to trade more time or adjacency if you are using the advanced method of reclaiming old pgens. But is an extra caveat on something that is already 'advanced' worth it? Cause it's just doubly annoying when you forget about it and has the minor effect of hurting a factory you'll likely repair via assist anyway. So most of the time, null affect other than loss of some of that 'free' mass.

Statistics: Posted by errorblankfield — 13 May 2014, 00:05

2014-05-12T23:31:41+02:00 2014-05-12T23:31:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72793#p72793 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> ps if you instant kill a unit its deathweapon will get used even if its reclaimed

Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 12 May 2014, 23:31

2014-05-12T22:45:28+02:00 2014-05-12T22:45:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72784#p72784 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
ZLO_RD wrote:
can we make only friendly engyneer able to disable death weapon?

Yes, but I don't think we want to. This kind of depth is pretty nice.

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 12 May 2014, 22:45

2014-05-12T22:36:46+02:00 2014-05-12T22:36:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72783#p72783 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by Senteth — 12 May 2014, 22:36

2014-05-09T11:17:25+02:00 2014-05-09T11:17:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72562#p72562 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
ZLO_RD wrote:
can we make only friendly engyneer able to disable death weapon?

If we even want to fix this problem (not sure we do), then this is the only possible solution I think.

Statistics: Posted by Aurion — 09 May 2014, 11:17

2014-05-09T10:48:49+02:00 2014-05-09T10:48:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72560#p72560 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 09 May 2014, 10:48

2014-05-09T05:42:43+02:00 2014-05-09T05:42:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72545#p72545 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
I mean really, "disable it with a T1 engineer"? Have you never heard of escorts? A few T3 tanks along with it would solve that problem.

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 09 May 2014, 05:42

2014-05-09T00:12:23+02:00 2014-05-09T00:12:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72536#p72536 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by SC-Account — 09 May 2014, 00:12

2014-05-08T12:06:39+02:00 2014-05-08T12:06:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72480#p72480 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
Pope_Melvin wrote:
Does this definitely happen? (Its late and I don't want to (/wouldn't know how to) simulate in sandbox). If so this should IMO not be a thing.

I saw it happen, yes. Maybe it depends on how far the chicken is finished (e.g. Ion Storm appears only if > 70 % of the chicken had been finished).

Statistics: Posted by --- — 08 May 2014, 12:06

2014-05-08T05:56:02+02:00 2014-05-08T05:56:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72458#p72458 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by BRNKoINSANITY — 08 May 2014, 05:56

2014-05-08T03:05:18+02:00 2014-05-08T03:05:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72452#p72452 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
I really like the mechanism...... it rewards careful players.

Ok, I do agree with this in that it adds extra micro requirements to both the defender and the attacker when attacking with a chicken, but it still seems a little exploit-y to be able to kill off this high damage special ability with a t1 engy. And what about attacking with multiple exps including a chicken? Where is the exploit/micro line? Is sending multiple engys/an sacu with your chicken just good practice? Or is it exploitation of negating the penalty of loosing a chicken in an assault?

I suppose it all boils down to whether the original intent of the ion storm was as an offensive, last ditch ability, or something that was meant to make you consider the implications of attacking with a chicken and other units. I think it was probably a bit of both.

Blackster wrote:
Why does an Ion Storm appear when the chicken is not finished and e.g. the player dies and his stuff is passed on to team mates (full share) - the t4 will explode (wasnt finished) but there also will be a penalty with the storm. Why?

Does this definitely happen? (Its late and I don't want to (/wouldn't know how to) simulate in sandbox). If so this should IMO not be a thing. Tomorrow I was going to have a look at seeing what happens when you reclaim flying exps, because the death damage is definitely something that you use (especially with the zsar) as an offensive tool. Being able to kill off this ability with a reclaim order seems awful cheap to me.

Statistics: Posted by Pope_Melvin — 08 May 2014, 03:05

2014-05-08T02:00:10+02:00 2014-05-08T02:00:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72449#p72449 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 08 May 2014, 02:00

2014-05-07T23:41:55+02:00 2014-05-07T23:41:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72444#p72444 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by BRNKoINSANITY — 07 May 2014, 23:41

2014-05-07T20:36:58+02:00 2014-05-07T20:36:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72434#p72434 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]> Statistics: Posted by rockoe10 — 07 May 2014, 20:36

2014-05-07T20:23:49+02:00 2014-05-07T20:23:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7353&p=72432#p72432 <![CDATA[Re: Chicken Ion Storm Bug?]]>
Blackster wrote:
Why does an Ion Storm appear when the chicken is not finished and e.g. the player dies and his stuff is passed on to team mates (full share) - the t4 will explode (wasnt finished) but there also will be a penalty with the storm. Why?
Other t4s which cause major damage after being wrecked (e.g. Czar or Ahwassa) won't cause such an heavy impact on building/units around if the same scenario as above described applies (e.g. there won't be a massive "Czar bomb")?
Any specific reason the chicken has to be such a risky unit when building it? Best thing really would be to never build it in base.

Yeah, this should be fixed IMO.

And I don't think the reclaim thing should be called a bug. I don't know if GPG intended it or not, but it makes sense that if you get some engineer to reclaim a building/unit that it is in the process of destruction that it can prevent a fatal death nuke. Just like in real life when some skilled engineer tries to prevent major collateral damage when a building goes down.

In case of the Ythoba one could consider the lightning a bomb which it sets off on destruction.. but a heroic engineer can disable it before it comes to that... isn't supreme commander epic?!

Statistics: Posted by SC-Account — 07 May 2014, 20:23
