Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-07-16T00:45:08+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=8188 2014-07-16T00:45:08+02:00 2014-07-16T00:45:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77208#p77208 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 16 Jul 2014, 00:45

2014-07-15T12:35:08+02:00 2014-07-15T12:35:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77183#p77183 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> Statistics: Posted by Vee — 15 Jul 2014, 12:35

2014-07-15T11:15:53+02:00 2014-07-15T11:15:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77181#p77181 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> Statistics: Posted by Iszh — 15 Jul 2014, 11:15

2014-07-15T11:10:14+02:00 2014-07-15T11:10:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77180#p77180 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 15 Jul 2014, 11:10

2014-07-15T02:59:31+02:00 2014-07-15T02:59:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77174#p77174 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]>
As for patrolling engies going on repair: if you put them on pause... they won't.

Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 15 Jul 2014, 02:59

2014-07-15T00:14:52+02:00 2014-07-15T00:14:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77170#p77170 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]>
I have found myself inexplicably mass stalling while upgrading one mex and building nothing. This must be it.

Statistics: Posted by stalewee — 15 Jul 2014, 00:14

2014-07-14T11:55:11+02:00 2014-07-14T11:55:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77145#p77145 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> mexens are not that much a problem cybran shields as they are usually upgrading all the times tend to f*** you up pretty often as usually some stupid engi trys to repair them usually happpes after you reached t2 stage and ctrl+k your t1 pgens for reclaim than half your base loses a few HP and some patroling engis try repair it....

Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 14 Jul 2014, 11:55

2014-07-14T11:47:19+02:00 2014-07-14T11:47:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77144#p77144 <![CDATA[Re: Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]> Statistics: Posted by Vee — 14 Jul 2014, 11:47

2014-07-14T10:46:37+02:00 2014-07-14T10:46:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8188&p=77141#p77141 <![CDATA[Repairing damaged buildings while upgrading]]>
I'm sure a lot of you have noticed this already and it might have been reported already, but there is something very wrong about the code that calculates repairing costs towards upgrading buildings. Couldn't find any thread about it so just to be sure, i'll start one, fell free to lock-it if has been already adressed of course.

So the scenario is like this :
1) Start upgrading a damaged building (mex, radar and so on)
2) Ask engies to repair it (or have engies deciding to do it because you are full mass)
3) Get your eco ruined by crazy repair cost :'(

To get an idea of how bad it is, repairing an almost-dead T2 mex while it upgrades can cost as much as 13-14k mass.
If it is a T1 eng it costs 50 m/s and if it is a T2 engineer doing it, it costs you 124 mass / second. Always the same cost, it depends on build power not on building being repaired or upgrade cost.


Now one could say just dont repair damaged upgrading buildings. But it is not as simple.

Some scenarios :

1) You really actively decide to repair an upgrading structures. Like you have damaged mexes that are upgrading and you want to fully repair them before queuing assist order to get full HP with new tech level. Actually repairing an almost-dead T1 mex would cost something like ~600 mass.

2) You are not aware of what happens. Eg, you have patrol/ground assist/attack orders with engineers. For some reason you get full mass (T4 reclaim or w/e), and you have a damaged mex that is upgrading. Engies decide it is now time to repair damaged stuff since mass is high. And then, in a matter of seconds a few engineers are capable of wiping out full mass stocks. If it happens with a T2 mex going T3 it can suck 11k mass at the incredible rate of -248m/s with only two T2 engies. That is a brutal way of losing your precious mass stocks imo. If you lost 10k+ mass to gain 5000 HP on a T2 mex in an even game, with aan equally skilled opponent its pretty much GG.


I really think this should be fixed at some point because the mass loss is really huge and it can happen randomly (patroling engies+full reclaim+damaged mexes is not incredible situation that just never happens). The cost / second is very high so even if you are quick to pause you lost a lot of your storage already.

Even with example 1) if you repaired with a lot of engineers by the time you notice your mistake (~1s later) you have lost a lot already by the time you cancel the repair order.


You can see it ingame here :



Now i know it doesnt happen a lot, but maybe at least this thread can prevent a few players from being tricked in this situation !
So much bugs over the years in SC with the upgrading mechanics since the first release... I hope it is the last one finally :mrgreen:

Statistics: Posted by Poch — 14 Jul 2014, 10:46
