Epson wrote:
Summary for lazy readers: Energy overflow not used by team is lost.
that's not what he means
situation 1:
P1 overflows 900 e
P2 overlflows 100 e
P3 overflows nothing, needs 800 e, gets 1k e from his team, the other 200 e are lost
situation 2:
P1 overflows 1k e
P2 overflows nothing, needs 100 e
P3 overflows nothing, needs 700 e
the overflow by P1 is divided equally, so both get 500 e overflow
P2 will get 400 too much, this energy is lost
P3 gets 200 e less than he could use, and still stalls
in both situations there is an overflow of 1k and a need of 800 by 1-2 players, but the result is completely differentStatistics: Posted by Myxir — 23 Jul 2014, 12:21