Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-08-08T18:39:34+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=8333 2014-08-08T18:39:34+02:00 2014-08-08T18:39:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78564#p78564 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
codepants wrote:
Hi all,

First post, woohoo. Hope this is the right place for it, etc.

I'm starting a Supcom group at work and figured a good boost to our membership would be to send an e-mail to the Starcraft group (81 members) inviting them to try Supcom. I'm looking for suggestions about what to say.

I acknowledge that Starcraft is not Supcom and my intent is not to magic them over or to convince them Supcom is "better" (though obviously I think it is, and I hope they will too). I simply want an outline of the features of Supcom, something quick to read and something that will make them want to try it out or ask more questions.

Below is a quick draft; all edits and recommendations welcome.


- - -

Hello Starcraft group,

I'm looking for people interesting in playing a somewhat similar game, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (AKA "Supcom"). If you're perfectly content playing Starcraft and not looking for anything else at this time, you can delete this e-mail. Otherwise, read on.

For the quick and dirty, watch a trailer here: (link to FAF trailer on youtube, which I can't put here because apparently it's too spammy for a new forum member to post).

Supcom is an RTS that is similar to SC in many ways, but also (in my opinion) better in many ways. The scale is larger, the strategy is deeper, and there is a much lower correlation between clicks per minute (CPM) and success rate. In other words, Supcom is much more about strategy and much less about building x building at y population. I acknowledge there is some variation to SC and don't want to downplay that, of course. They are not the same game -- but if you enjoy SC, it's likely you'd enjoy Supcom. I like Supcom many times better, and I think it's worth a shot if you are looking for something new.

Supcom has a fan-made multiplayer platform, donation-supported, called
Forged Alliance Forever ("FAF") (link to FAF homepage). At any given time there are at least 300 players online and about two-thirds of those players are in-game. The Forged Alliance version of the game (the one you'd buy to play FAF) is $4 on Amazon (link to Amazon page) and that purchase is redeemable on Steam.

If anybody is interested, please join the group (link to group) and let me know. My friends and I currently play most Sundays at 6:30, and I'd be happy to start regular after-work meets at (workplace). I'm also happy to "show you the ropes;" I'm not a pro, but I've got the basics and some advanced tricks as well.

Thanks for your time, and happy gaming,

you can say that we have LAN support :o and we don't charge every month ;)

but the best way would be by propaganda, like youtube videos, or twitch streams...
also, if we pay we can make someone that have a good amount of viewers to play FAF

EDIT- instead of throwing emailts to those guys, the best way to make someone go to FA is to make propaganda on sites like YouTube... if you make an Email, probably they will not even touch on it...

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 08 Aug 2014, 18:39

2014-08-08T18:34:14+02:00 2014-08-08T18:34:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78562#p78562 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
the reason that I say that is:
-no one like when someone says "hey dude, you game sucks"
-and he can easily ask "but what make your game a RTS"

yet you can say:
SC 2 don't have the same Strategy Level than FA / TA / (in future)PA have, and they don't have the same level of epicness...
but if you want to bring someone to play FA you can't start hurting they past, instead, say that you have a better game, w/ better...

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 08 Aug 2014, 18:34

2014-08-08T16:59:17+02:00 2014-08-08T16:59:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78559#p78559 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>

Statistics: Posted by Hascins — 08 Aug 2014, 16:59

2014-08-08T16:31:03+02:00 2014-08-08T16:31:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78556#p78556 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Krapougnak wrote:
Supcom and Starcraft are RTS not RPG.

Haha, oops. Typo fixed.

More to come, thanks for all your replies. I'm a bit overwhelmed actually.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 08 Aug 2014, 16:31

2014-08-08T16:40:19+02:00 2014-08-08T15:15:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78548#p78548 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
ZLO_RD wrote:

also if you have 15 barraks with reactor and making marines, you will need 60 apm for that
in FA you can be top 20 with 50 apm or even less (Congreve, Voodoo)

Yeah \o/
For SC2 you need muscle memory, practicing again and again like a musical instrument.
In FA you need to practice to discover new strategy and fun way of winning (a bit of trolling here, in SC2 that also part of the training goal ;) )

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 08 Aug 2014, 15:15

2014-08-08T15:07:43+02:00 2014-08-08T15:07:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78547#p78547 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]> and it just taked 1/5 of your screen... maybe my 19 inch monitor is just to old for this stuff :(
also sc2 command center takes about 1/4 of my screen :D, i was really surprised by that

also if you have 15 barraks with reactor and making marines, you will need 60 apm for that
in FA you can be top 20 with 50 apm or even less (Congreve, Voodoo)

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 08 Aug 2014, 15:07

2014-08-08T14:51:08+02:00 2014-08-08T14:51:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78544#p78544 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Aarhun wrote:
Nombringer wrote:
Hmmmm this is interesting that you say this because I always saw FA UI as being much more streamlined than SC, especially with the zoom.

I will have to bear this in mind

Yes the zoom is awesome, that couple with relative slowness of units make the game far more strategic.

But the rest of the UI… I found surprising to not have by default a list of unit/structure that have energy and mass upkeep that is capable of select and zoom on it (a mod can do this).
When you see how it can cripple you in a game, plus the fact that there is a build-in mechanism to disable those unit/structure.
The upgrades of the com are not listed by tech level, we have to figure out that some cost is linked to some tech level.
Another point is to have more verbose information about unit. Take the T1 Cybran AA, where do you find the information that you can toggle the attack mode to make it shoot against land unit ? In forum, database, hardly in game, except if you notice the strange icon for this unit in bottom left of the screen :p
In general having the information of the way units shoot. (I guess it is too complicated and diversified to be clearly display by the UI :( )
In SC2 you know which unit can shoot which unit, you have the armor type, the "+ against this type of armor" in tooltip of weapons.
I don't say that FA do not tell us information, but it is very minimal. It fits perfectly well with the game style. And for medium/pro player it is cool to not be flooded by information, I can understand that.

Well, that would be because SupCom is more straight forward in that regard. There are almost no armor classes to my knowledge. That is why we have units with such ridiculous hitpoint counts as the GC in the first place I'd think.

The only case of apparent armor classes I have observed is in the context of overcharges. I think buildings get less damage from OCs than units do.

And there are so little special abilities that you really can't help but notice the button of units which d have an ability. Granted, when I started playing I took me quite a while to figure out what the OC button did. But actually the abilities are all pretty much self explanatory.

Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 08 Aug 2014, 14:51

2014-08-08T14:54:38+02:00 2014-08-08T14:50:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78543#p78543 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Hey guys...check this out:

At min 2:30!

And by the way...there is an average joes tourney in September!

And a promo link of a youtube video....or a game casted by gyle ;)

I think...reading doesnt help here! It's marketing! You need to become curious...and that will make them curious....facts wont read anybody anyways!

Statistics: Posted by Hascins — 08 Aug 2014, 14:50

2014-08-08T14:48:47+02:00 2014-08-08T14:48:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78542#p78542 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Aarhun wrote:
Take the T1 Cybran AA, where do you find the information that you can toggle the attack mode to make it shoot against land unit ? In forum, database, hardly in game, except if you notice the strange icon for this unit in bottom left of the screen :p

i think it could be in "manual.pdf" that you get when you install game
at least there is some explanation about adjustency

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 08 Aug 2014, 14:48

2014-08-08T14:24:17+02:00 2014-08-08T14:24:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78539#p78539 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Nombringer wrote:
Hmmmm this is interesting that you say this because I always saw FA UI as being much more streamlined than SC, especially with the zoom.

I will have to bear this in mind

Yes the zoom is awesome, that couple with relative slowness of units make the game far more strategic.

But the rest of the UI… I found surprising to not have by default a list of unit/structure that have energy and mass upkeep that is capable of select and zoom on it (a mod can do this).
When you see how it can cripple you in a game, plus the fact that there is a build-in mechanism to disable those unit/structure.
The upgrades of the com are not listed by tech level, we have to figure out that some cost is linked to some tech level.
Another point is to have more verbose information about unit. Take the T1 Cybran AA, where do you find the information that you can toggle the attack mode to make it shoot against land unit ? In forum, database, hardly in game, except if you notice the strange icon for this unit in bottom left of the screen :p
In general having the information of the way units shoot. (I guess it is too complicated and diversified to be clearly display by the UI :( )
In SC2 you know which unit can shoot which unit, you have the armor type, the "+ against this type of armor" in tooltip of weapons.
I don't say that FA do not tell us information, but it is very minimal. It fits perfectly well with the game style. And for medium/pro player it is cool to not be flooded by information, I can understand that.

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 08 Aug 2014, 14:24

2014-08-08T12:32:32+02:00 2014-08-08T12:32:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78535#p78535 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
i will start with repeat build, all terrans be will ours :)

then tell that you can queue any amount of units and buidings and not pay beforehand

then tell that you can hold shift and see all rally points and orders! ALL OF THEM, not only selected units, and more you can easy delete and drag them around just by your mouse and holding some keys

typical SC2 game is about 40-80 units on each side (not count workers that are mining)
FA usually have slightly more if you not count engies that assist, but need to say that you can tech more and longer in sup com and reach very costly experimental units

BFU - big funny units

FA more realistic, unit types kinda taken from real life, but from 1rst look lacking variaty but it is not really true, show them some games involvig aeon skipping t2 land cause they think it sucks to much, or UEF vs aeon when uef stay t1 land to long and almost dies and then gets gun and whole bunch of vets :)
hover units also good example of variaty.

Intel system and whole bunch of "rings"
Radars, sonars, stealth, cloak, underwater mechanics, mobile radars and stuff
tell about mole and selen

realistic air movement speed and transports

terrain blocks shots that allows more possibilities for micro and adds depth :P

simulated projectiles - dodging, hiding damaged unit behind healthy, defending PD with ACU back (standing in front of pd in pd creep wars so acu is damaged not PD) enders...teleports acu...

addictional depth from adjustency and buiding explosions

How you control battlefield in sc2? are you fly in plane above battlefield? hm??? got answer?
in FA youre sitting inside of ACU and controlling battlefield with nice interface :P (that would explain why world borders look so weird)

ACU snipe strategy, you do not have to kill all enemy units, you just need to find a way to kill acu
on other side acu is very strong unit that can be upgraided for combat or engineering

reclaim mechanics, stupidly done attacks only feed opponent

map variaty, you can't have many maps in sc2 cause it will unbalance whole thing instantly
we have shit ton of diffferent maps

no unit cap...maybe some would say it is a disadvantage cause having unit cap like in sc2 adds more depth, but it is just lame imo (unit cap in FA restricted only by PC performance)

ok maybe i continue list of FA advantages later

SC2 btw has cool ladder mechanics with random slots on ladder, and if opponent playing random you have to scout him to know his faction
SC2 has very well developed observer ui... thought same thing for FA barely will make much sence

Edit: Pre existed reclaim on maps adds HUGE variaty of build orders, and also can boost early game witch is also quite nice on big maps

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 08 Aug 2014, 12:32

2014-08-08T12:02:05+02:00 2014-08-08T12:02:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78533#p78533 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
Aarhun wrote:
When I went from SC2 to FA the thing if found the most annoying was the interface.
I find the FA one too small and that it give not enough information.
The SC2 one is polished you know exactly what a unit is doing, against what etc...
After some mod installation it is better but far from perfect.

I mean after some time playing and reading through the net, the lack of information given by the interface is not that important, but for a new player coming from SC2 it might be repulsive. You might want to be prepare for such criticize and to counter them with a pack of noob friendly mod. :)

Hmmmm this is interesting that you say this because I always saw FA UI as being much more streamlined than SC, especially with the zoom.

I will have to bear this in mind

Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 08 Aug 2014, 12:02

2014-08-08T11:55:03+02:00 2014-08-08T11:55:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78532#p78532 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]> I find the FA one too small and that it give not enough information.
The SC2 one is polished you know exactly what a unit is doing, against what etc...
After some mod installation it is better but far from perfect.

I mean after some time playing and reading through the net, the lack of information given by the interface is not that important, but for a new player coming from SC2 it might be repulsive. You might want to be prepare for such criticize and to counter them with a pack of noob friendly mod. :)

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 08 Aug 2014, 11:55

2014-08-08T11:36:12+02:00 2014-08-08T11:36:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78530#p78530 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]> f*** minimal and keyboard, I want to zoom out :(

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 08 Aug 2014, 11:36

2014-08-08T10:41:55+02:00 2014-08-08T10:41:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8333&p=78527#p78527 <![CDATA[Re: Intro Paragraph for Converting Players from SC]]>
But frankly the learning curve for Supcom is very steep and puts a lot of people off.

Statistics: Posted by Stin — 08 Aug 2014, 10:41
