Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-10-01T18:24:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=289 2013-10-01T18:24:16+02:00 2013-10-01T18:24:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=54927#p54927 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 01 Oct 2013, 18:24

2013-10-01T18:19:42+02:00 2013-10-01T18:19:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=54926#p54926 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> Statistics: Posted by CelticSoul — 01 Oct 2013, 18:19

2011-10-27T06:00:04+02:00 2011-10-27T06:00:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2702#p2702 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 27 Oct 2011, 06:00

2011-10-24T12:59:38+02:00 2011-10-24T12:59:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2562#p2562 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
AdmiralZeech wrote:
Maybe we can make "Being an arsehole" against the rules?
It kind of is, except more specifically in certain ways. Check the rules and basically "being an arsehole" in these instances is more "directly insulting someone". I'm a complete d***, too, but I try not to outright insult people as that's pretty mean.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 24 Oct 2011, 12:59

2011-10-24T11:07:51+02:00 2011-10-24T11:07:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2557#p2557 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 24 Oct 2011, 11:07

2011-10-24T10:56:07+02:00 2011-10-24T10:56:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2556#p2556 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 24 Oct 2011, 10:56

2011-10-24T00:08:10+02:00 2011-10-24T00:08:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2550#p2550 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
There was a 24 hour ban... Ze_Pilot wasnt online so I was just going to ban Celtic for 24 hours and leave any further ban upto Ze_Pilots descretion but I just left it.

Ranting about "gutting" someone's family is too strong... period.

There was a lot of talk in chat about it. There was nothing wrong with 24 hours in the sinbin. Build a bridge, get over it and grow up.

Statistics: Posted by ToejamS — 24 Oct 2011, 00:08

2011-10-20T14:40:51+02:00 2011-10-20T14:40:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2407#p2407 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
Can be used with any forum goer.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 20 Oct 2011, 14:40

2011-10-20T14:06:46+02:00 2011-10-20T14:06:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2406#p2406 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 20 Oct 2011, 14:06

2011-10-20T13:42:13+02:00 2011-10-20T13:42:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2405#p2405 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>

OH ok Deal
Rant Over :D

Statistics: Posted by CelticSoul — 20 Oct 2011, 13:42

2011-10-20T13:35:38+02:00 2011-10-20T13:35:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2404#p2404 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
Your rant on this forum confirmed that Toejams did something right. Insulting an admin (or anybody) is never a good way to be unbanned.

Let's try something, I unban you. If I see ONE bad word on chat, you are ban from it for not a week but a month. No warning. Deal ?

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 20 Oct 2011, 13:35

2011-10-20T13:50:01+02:00 2011-10-20T13:32:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2403#p2403 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]> He told me that he didnt have a problem with it afterwards and understood that it was part of the game. Like football chants at a game !So why does Toejams ? Basically he was TRYING and has succedding in getting me banned. This has all been blowen out of proportion by Toejams and a few of his f*** friends. I get banned , he has a laugh, i get annoyed and state my case and still get banned. Whatever. It just goes to show how sucking ass gets you on in life. Sad but true. Fine. Im not going to even bother with people like that. Id rather be labeled an offensive jerk than to be a fawning suck ass that spouts bullshit just make myself appear to be an honest, reliable, and trustworth memeber of society when i know for a fact everyone is trying to get one over on the other. Hell if it came down to a survival situation I know most people would kill you for an apple or a cup of water. My point is still valid concerning why I was initally banned ? It appears the meak shall inherit the earth its just that the meak also happen to be a bunch of fucking cretins i wouldnt piss on if they were on fire!!!!

Statistics: Posted by CelticSoul — 20 Oct 2011, 13:32

2011-10-20T12:27:46+02:00 2011-10-20T12:27:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2399#p2399 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
Here are some rules for you (and everyone).
1) No Porn. I'm sure it looks nice, but let's keep the porn links away.

2) No links to pirated content. Yeah, I know. Also please keep discussion of pirated content to a minimum.

3) No direct insults
- This means no calling of names, no direct ranting at someone, no racism.
- If you feel insulted or offended by a post in here or something that someone has said in a chatroom Then either report the post, PM me or Zep on here, or report, with a screencap, to someone in FAF. These will be reviewed and acted on accordingly.

I, personally, will do the following:
1st time - Warning.
2nd time - 1 day ban.
3rd time - 3 day ban.
4th time - 1 week ban.
5th time - Gone forever.

I will confer with Zep about whether banned from FAF means banned from the forum, or not.

You have all been informed of this by reading this thread. I will also make a rules post.

Edit: Just so that it's clear - Freedom of speech does not exist in private space, which is what this forum is. Also, this is the internet, and not a free-speech country, so deal with it.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 20 Oct 2011, 12:27

2011-10-20T12:18:19+02:00 2011-10-20T12:18:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2398#p2398 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
Don't push it.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 20 Oct 2011, 12:18

2011-10-20T12:13:25+02:00 2011-10-20T12:13:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=289&p=2395#p2395 <![CDATA[Re: Hypocrasy, Biggitory and Buggery by Toejams]]>
CelticSoul wrote:
First point. CHAT IS Visable in GPG Replays.

No. It was a feature done by moritz in the custom lobby.

CelticSoul wrote:
Second pont. Do you really expect people to PM each other whilst playing a game ? Lets say the game is Private and there all friends and there is some friendly abuse being mentioned. As was the case with me and NeverRizing5on. Do you think that alt tabbing back to chat and then Pm ing your frined is a valid form of communication when the game designers provide an ingame function for this ? Lets not even go to communication via team speak ! you going to listen in to team speak as well next ?

If it's between friends, nobody would feel "abused", so no problems. And yes, same for TS if you treat someone in the same channel and he feel offended.
And I don't see the point of bashing someone "not your friend" in game.

CelticSoul wrote:
Third point. If someone is feeling offended then they should cancel the reply. Its the same for many TV programs if you dont like porn dont watch it, if you dont like an old commedy programe that contains racist, offensive language then dont watch it. DONT TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN SAY OR DO! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT!

- You can't unread something. People are not expecting to read crude language in FAF. It's not like they turn on a porn channel. So your exemple is irrelevant.
- I don't tell what you can say or do. I tell you what I can accept on FAF or not.
If I read something that I don't like, I have the right to ban you, just as you have the right to says it.
If you don't like moderation, don't speak in Aeolus but use another channel.

CelticSoul wrote:
Fourth Point. Again am i to be held accountable to every persons opionion on what is offensive .

If you can't tell what is appropriate to say in a public place, then it's not a moderation but a mental problem.

CelticSoul wrote:
Fifth point, You still havent answered this. Are you saying that its ok to swear in russian ' for instance' so long as its not in main chat ? Isnt that hypocritical ?

You can swear in english as long it's not in the main chat too.
In fact, you can do whatever you want in any non-moderated areas.

CelticSoul wrote:
My language is English , why cant i swear in english ? If you dont like it get out of english cahrt and use your own channel.

Aeolus is not an english chat, but the official and international chat. Fact is that english is the most common language (Esperanto won't make it this century, and spanish and mandarin, even if they are more common, are not widely spread as second language).
And Aeolus under moderation. Create an "Celtic SwearFest Chan" if you like.

CelticSoul wrote:
Sixth Point, So its ok for moderators or admin to use offensive language ? Its ok for them to threaten to 'kick my ass' ?

You felt offended by that ? Seriously ?

CelticSoul wrote:
THATS DEFINATELY HYPOCRITICAL!and a complete joke in reality! At this point you have just proven to me and everyone else that its a case of one rule for you and yours and another whole set of rules for everyone else. VIVA LE REVOLUTION !

You are free to build your own alternate GPGNet lobby and create any set of rules you like.
I can decide tomorrow than anybody must write backward, and you will have to if you don't want to be banned. Because, yes, it's not a democracy or an anarchist lobby.

CelticSoul wrote:
As for toejams. Everybody dislikes him. The point of the matter was i was in game, playing with friends, and we were all talking and swearing but it was all in jest.

Then, tell me why two others people that are not your friends reported you to me ?

CelticSoul wrote:
NeverRising5on even told me later that he wasnt offended and that he thought Toejams had overreacted So what gives him the right to ban me in the first place ? ANSWER ME THAT !

So, Toejams was in your "between friend game" ?

CelticSoul wrote:
As for the police. Last time the took me down it required over 10 police officers to get me into the back of the cop van. Im dont give a **** about police, or any **** that trys to tell me what to do. PERIOD! You can all **** right off !

I'm not here to deal with your late teenage rebellion.
You are banned for a week, deal with it, and think twice next time you want to insult a moderator.

I expect you shall ban me from forums next and thats ok by me /quote]

I've removed your message because it was again full of offensives attacks against people.
There is indeed a chance that I will bored of doing that at some point and decide to ban you. Again, it's up to you, not me.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 20 Oct 2011, 12:13
