Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-06-01T20:20:18+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=7464 2014-06-01T20:20:18+02:00 2014-06-01T20:20:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7464&p=74359#p74359 <![CDATA[Re: FA has failed to start]]> Statistics: Posted by twig — 01 Jun 2014, 20:20

2014-05-25T07:31:44+02:00 2014-05-25T07:31:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7464&p=73821#p73821 <![CDATA[Re: FA has failed to start]]>
It seems like going to the replays and tutorials page doesn't download everything that is required when you first join. Both download something but FA won't start. Hosting a game downloaded more files and seems to fix the "FA has failed to start" error.

Statistics: Posted by SuperNovice007 — 25 May 2014, 07:31

2014-05-22T08:13:03+02:00 2014-05-22T08:13:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7464&p=73547#p73547 <![CDATA[Re: FA has failed to start]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 22 May 2014, 08:13

2014-05-21T22:34:22+02:00 2014-05-21T22:34:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7464&p=73528#p73528 <![CDATA[FA has failed to start]]>
I'm an extreme newcomer and recently purchased FA through Steam. Shortly after I installed FAF (after watching Gyle on YouTube) but so far have been unable to get it to launch any replays.

I can play the game through Steam with no problem but when trying to watch a replay (after downloading the map) I just get a message box saying "FA has failed to start.". Very frustrating :-)

I've tried doing some troubleshooting myself and checked the forever log which led me to a strange discovery. The C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin folder does not contain ForgedAlliance.exe only SupremeCommander.exe. I've not been able to find this problem elsewhere on the forums.

I've now triple checked it is Forged Alliance I've bought and not Vanilla but I can't find any problems. If someone could help that would be amazing!


Statistics: Posted by madformuse — 21 May 2014, 22:34
