Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-11-21T10:27:14+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=11144 2015-11-21T10:27:14+02:00 2015-11-21T10:27:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11144&p=114477#p114477 <![CDATA[Re: BUG: Manual Reclaim orders being cancelled]]> Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 21 Nov 2015, 10:27

2015-11-21T08:47:59+02:00 2015-11-21T08:47:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11144&p=114475#p114475 <![CDATA[Re: BUG: Manual Reclaim orders being cancelled]]> not mean it is not a bug.

surely only the invalid reclaim order that is on nothing should be cancelled, not every other reclaim order in the queue that may/may not be actually on something?

and your suggestion reads something like this:

i'm sorry your coke explodes when you open the can, just put your mouth directly over the lid whenever you open it

moreover, zoomed in, and making sure you click on rocks, takes far more time, the whole reason to use reclaim order rather than right-click context is that you can spam it around quickly. AND this doesn't guarantee that despite being careful, and taking up 500% more mental energy, you wouldn't accidentally misclick and have 100 reclaim orders cancelled anyway.

Statistics: Posted by d-_-b — 21 Nov 2015, 08:47

2015-11-21T04:26:31+02:00 2015-11-21T04:26:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11144&p=114470#p114470 <![CDATA[Re: BUG: Manual Reclaim orders being cancelled]]>
If you are not zoomed in enough, the reclaim order doesnt snap to the rock and is just floating nowhere and reclaims nothing.

Zoom in when reclaiming.

Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 21 Nov 2015, 04:26

2015-11-20T08:35:55+02:00 2015-11-20T08:35:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11144&p=114421#p114421 <![CDATA[BUG: Manual Reclaim orders being cancelled]]>
In this replay this happens to me 3 times on ALL of my first 3 engies to reclaim, i ended up giving up and just attack moving them, but still.

  • First engy, reclaims SOME rocks, then its orders are cancelled at (1:40) where it goes to make the factories. It then reorder it to do some reclaim. The order it failed on seemed to be on the ground to the right of a rock.
  • Second engy, gets some manual reclaim orders, it simply fails at the first one (1:37), as it had no other orders (like move or build, it simply stopped. I then told it to attack move when i noticed it was idle... This order seemed to be directly on a tree...
  • Similar with 3rd engy at (1:54)

This KEEPS happenning to me and is starting to get seriously frustrating. Never had it happen until the current patch, although maybe it didnt notice it. Either way its a serious problem. I mentioned it in passing on mumble and i heard morax getting pretty pissed off with it too so its not just me who this happens to. Other people manually reclaim by right clicking rocks which i have no idea how they can do that, it takes too much time and concentration to not spam move orders...

One thing to note. This only seems to occur with reclaim orders with reclaim selected as a command. Individually right clicking the rocks (and leaving yourself open to accidentally giving a move order :\) does not suffer from this issue, so it might be something to do with trying to reclaim something that isn't there anymore, reclaiming empty ground, or what i dont know.

Also, that not just the failing reclaim order gets cancelled, but ALL reclaim orders in the queue, but ALL OTHER orders remain intact.

Statistics: Posted by d-_-b — 20 Nov 2015, 08:35
