I was wondering what bugs still exited and which bugs were patched up after this grand update we got for our FAF Network, so I thought I'd make this post to collect all the info we can as a thank you and a helping hand for the people who made this possible. If you don't know what update I'm talking about, you can read more about it here. Also, some more info and FAQ can be found here, and you can take a loot at the server status here.
So the task is simple. Post any bugs you know of, even if they were fixed. I'll try to keep the list updated, so make sure to check the list under so you don't repost(too many) same things. Make sure to give some info with which we can try to recreate a bug(if it wasn't solved yet), or include your logs if you had a crash. Also, one post per bug would be nice.
___List of Known Bugs___
Password protecting games not working>>
People unable to login(unrecognised account)>>
People disappearing when swapped/can't move to observer>>
legend: solved bug, unsolved bug, in testingStatistics: Posted by Fichom — 10 Feb 2016, 01:37