Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-03-24T21:56:03+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=12081 2016-03-24T21:56:03+02:00 2016-03-24T21:56:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12081&p=123643#p123643 <![CDATA[logs]]> I asked him if he had port forwarded the port correctly and if his computer ip could have changed, he sayd no, everything was allright.
I asked him for his log, and his log confirms that.
We refaf, I try to host but he can't connect, he tryes to host I can't connect.
I asked him to send me some udp packets , turned on Wireshark, they are in

so... if we can't have a game this way, maybe I change my port into a non forwarded one , so I change from port 6112 to 8112(only in faf client)
we connect, we have game...

logs: lucky_luke_forever_good_conn --> contain some atempt to connect to him
logs: Luky_luke_forever_bad_conn --> contain me changing the port for a not forwarded one and playing the game
logs: UFO_forever_bad_conn --> contain me and him trying to connect, just before I changed my port and we start playing

Statistics: Posted by SpdyGonzalez — 24 Mar 2016, 21:56
