I hope that I can find help here. I suck at network stuff, but I have tried to forward port 6112/UDP in my router's interface, and Simple Port Tester says that it's open.
My problem is that often when I try to play 1v1 (I've had some issues with lobby games but not nearly as much and refaffing once usually does it) I get stuck with the message "Setting up automatch"
What do I do? Cheers
These are typical final lines in my forever log:
2017-01-10 10:03:14,418 INFO fa.upnp UPnP mapping
2017-01-10 10:03:15,503 INFO fa.upnp -> UDP mapping of to
2017-01-10 10:03:15,516 INFO chat._chatwidget Connecting to IRC at: irc.faforever.com:6667. TLS: False
2017-01-10 10:03:15,581 INFO connectivity.qturnsocket.QTurnSocket Turn socket initialized: faforever.com
2017-01-10 10:03:15,582 INFO client._clientwindow Outgoing JSON Message: {"args": [6112], "command": "InitiateTest", "target": "connectivity"}
2017-01-10 10:03:17,063 INFO client._clientwindow Outgoing JSON Message: {"args": ["", "Are you public? 124606"], "command": "ProcessNatPacket", "target": "connectivity"}
2017-01-10 10:03:17,063 INFO connectivity.helper.ConnectivityHelper Unknown natpacket
2017-01-10 10:03:17,063 INFO client._clientwindow Outgoing JSON Message: {"args": ["", "Are you public? 124606"], "command": "ProcessNatPacket", "target": "connectivity"}
2017-01-10 10:03:17,065 INFO connectivity.helper.ConnectivityHelper Unknown natpacket
2017-01-10 10:03:17,065 INFO client._clientwindow Outgoing JSON Message: {"args": ["", "Are you public? 124606"], "command": "ProcessNatPacket", "target": "connectivity"}
2017-01-10 10:03:17,065 INFO connectivity.helper.ConnectivityHelper Unknown natpacket
2017-01-10 10:03:17,898 INFO connectivity.helper.ConnectivityHelper Connectivity state is PUBLIC, mapped address:
2017-01-10 10:03:24,367 INFO fa.check Checking FA for: ladder1v1 and map None
2017-01-10 10:03:24,367 INFO fa.check Version unknown, assuming latest
2017-01-10 10:03:24,367 INFO fa.check Updating FA for mod: ladder1v1, version None
2017-01-10 10:03:24,367 INFO fa.check Writing fa_path.lua config file.
2017-01-10 10:03:25,204 INFO fa.upnp UPnP mapping <PyQt4.QtNetwork.QHostAddress object at 0x03309570>:6112
2017-01-10 10:03:25,394 INFO fa.upnp -> UDP mapping of to
2017-01-10 10:03:25,404 INFO games._gameswidget Starting Ranked Search as Factions.CYBRAN, port: 6112
2017-01-10 10:03:25,407 INFO client._clientwindow Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "start", "gameport": 6112, "command": "game_matchmaking", "faction": 3, "mod": "ladder1v1"}
2017-01-10 10:03:25,484 ERROR client._clientwindow Not ready for game launch
2017-01-10 10:03:25,486 INFO client._clientwindow Handling game_launch via JSON {u'mapname': u'scmp_024', u'args': [u'/numgames 87'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 5644969, u'mod': u'ladder1v1'}
2017-01-10 10:03:25,486 INFO fa.check Updating FA for map: scmp_024
2017-01-10 10:03:25,486 INFO fa.check Map is available.
2017-01-10 10:03:25,486 INFO fa.upnp UPnP mapping
2017-01-10 10:03:25,595 ERROR fa.upnp Exception in UPnP createPortMapping.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\fa\upnp.py", line 35, in createPortMapping
File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 4, in Add
com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0, -2147024726), None)Statistics: Posted by Alpha_November — 10 Jan 2017, 11:13