I'm going to give my full process so those who are tech savvy might be able to shed more light on it. But there is a list part way down with what I finally did to fix the problem.
So with the new patch came an anti-vius alert for idp.ares.generic (a known trojan). FAF community confirmed this isn't something to worry about and just skip past it, however, AVG still put it in a vault and I deleted it.
The werid thing is then I realised my FA had been uninstalled.(I don't undestand this yet...)
I reinstalled it, and loaded FAF, I then got the common error message to this post. "The file wasn't properly sent by the server faf" and then "FA failed to launch".
I tried: googling it, searching forums, clearing all the things that can be cleared (It took me an hour to reset all my hotkeys ).
I uninstalled FAF and reinstalled. The default directory is to the c drive. However my computer would not let me install here (I think it was a permissions thing, but cannot remember..)
I uninstalled again and installed on my d drive (which is where FA and steam are installed). I would get the same errors as above.
The trick that eventually got it working was the following:
1) uninstall FAF,
2) restart computer (this was the trick)
3) reinstall in it's default directory (C drive).
Works a treat now I have confirmed this worked with one other player too, so would be interested to see how you go.
So closing remarks is I do think anti-virus played a part and perhaps there was some messy clean up between FAF and the anti-virus. However it was werid that FA got uninstalled without my request.
Also screw the forums here! My account has been deleted 3 times, and even writing this post it "forgot me" and logged me out, losing this message >(Statistics: Posted by soilworker — 15 Aug 2017, 17:52