Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2018-05-18T00:22:46+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=16184 2018-05-18T00:22:46+02:00 2018-05-18T00:22:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163542#p163542 <![CDATA[Re: cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu mi]]> The only thing you need to do is a desktop-shortcut from the file:

Then you only need the FAFclient to update the game. (Simply host a game from time to time.)
And you can start the SupCom game as FAForever version from your desktop shortcut.

The Total Mayhem version here in the forum and inside the vault are the same. (Version 1.36)
If you install version 1.36 and you don't see it inside the game's mod manager, then you have installed the "other" Total Mayhem version in a different Folder.

The other Total Mayhem version should be then in one of the following folders:
C:\Users\Home\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods
C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\user\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\mods
C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\mods

Check here first for the old version:
c:\users\home\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods\totalmayhem

After downloading mods with the FAF client, please check that those mods where located in c:\users\home\documents\my games\gas powered games\supreme commander forged alliance\mods.

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 18 May 2018, 00:22

2018-05-17T21:39:04+02:00 2018-05-17T21:39:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163535#p163535 <![CDATA[Re: cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu mi]]>
for a few reasons, i prefer not to use faf, those being; faf is multiplayer-oriented, although i can add a password to my games, id rather people not always only see me playing by myself, as i always will. i was going to say faf is a bigger task than using the steam version alone, but after starting faf, it only takes 1 other window to get right to the game lobby. i likely will start using faf now that ive come to realize this, IF i can get faf to work right.

but i have bad news. i cannot install either of the total mayhem faf versions. what i did step by step, best i can remember;

back when i first got faf, i immediately downloaded and installed the faf version of total mayhem 1.20. a little while after, i checked the moddb page and found it was not the most up to date version, 1.21 or something, so i played with the non-faf version for a while.

a friend of mine and i agreed to play a few games, but we needed the faf version and i opted to play with that instead. we used both the total mayhem 1.20 and antares unit pack, resource rich x50 and storage rich x100(but realized we did not need the storage, as the x50 resource was more than enough. we had no problems and played a few games as well.

now and then i will use the vault to look for ai-compatible maps and mods.

a couple days ago i found total mayhem 1.36 in the vault. upon seeing it, i started the download for it, but a minute or two later(my download speed would normally have the download done in 2-3 minutes) after i had tabbed to a differnet window, faf crashed. i restarted faf and tried downloading the mod again, but the same thing happened, and again afterward.

so i installed the version you listed here on the forums and found i still had the older faf version and removed it manually. i used steam to play the new version and everything worked out fine, including the icons, but the antares unit icons were placeholders, likely because i had not installed the global icon support.

i checked the vault for new mods and saw that both the older version of total mayhem and the new version were not registered as installed. i tried downloading the older version and faf crashed, showing the same thing when i started up faf again. i have not yet checked to see if i can play properly on faf with the current(listed in the forum by you) version of total mayhem, but id really like to be able to play with and see the icons of the antares unit pack. it is pretty much the only other mod that is essential to me aside from resource rich and total mayhem. in fact, due to the super(nearly experimental level) cybran hives it adds, 6 beam anti air microwave laser and siege shield, it is probably the most important mod to me when i play with ai. the ai will not use the antares units though, thank god.

i will check to see if i can play faf with the version i got from the forums later, but if i am unable to play at all with the antares mod, i will likely put extensive use to the ai mod you mentioned.

i have a feeling i will be doing the latter, and you say you make ais. i have a couple requests.

an ai that builds only t2 and above ground defenses, nothing else aside from the essential things like shields, engineers, engineering stations and ofc resources. i tried doing this with faf's amazing unit restriction system and found it to work just as i planned, but i could not build things. it was this that made me make that forum post.
in short, a fortress ai(for all factions if possible, but im mostly focused on uef due to the perses) much like a turtle but focused only ever on defenses, as if the ai is preparing for a survival map.

another ai is one that is focused on experimental spam, its only defenses being shields and t3 turrets, any mobile unit aside from commanders and engineers to be experimental.

a final request is one that focuses only on end-game units, like yolona oss and experimental artillery, nuke launchers, t3 artillery, and the biggest and baddest experimentals, being the cybran-megalith, snakebite mk2, avalanche mk 2, uef-doomsday, mayhem mk4, and t2 experimental bomber, aeon-hades, pride, galactic colossus and paragon, seraphim-nuke bomber and (i forget the name) the big six legged thing in the total mayhem mod.

that seems like a lot of work, but i have a feeling saveable unit restriction settings will not be a thing, as i feel it probably wouldve already been added. i will try regardless.

Statistics: Posted by IMAZOMBIE358 — 17 May 2018, 21:39

2018-05-17T18:08:42+02:00 2018-05-17T18:08:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163524#p163524 <![CDATA[Re: cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu mi]]> I updated some mods like Total Mayhem, Extreme Wars etc for steam and FAF. All mods have now their own icon suport:

If you want to play Black Ops with faf then you NEED the Black ops FAF version. The old black ops is not compatible to FAF.
(Also the black ops FAF is not compatible to normal game versions)
If you search for Blcak Ops FAF use the search button, don't just hit return.
(No black ops icon support needed for Black Ops FAF)

After looking at the Unit manager i can say you are right. You can't save the settings.
But you can contact the developer team, and ask for a save option.
How ? Simply follow this link and klick on "new issue". Then write your request:

Also your AI problem can be solved.
I added a AI-Mod loader to the game; So you can add and modify your own AI as a simple mod.
Or you can ask someone who makes AI's (like me^^)

You can test this right now if you want.
Install my AI mod and start the development version of the game. Thats all.

1. install my AI mod. Unzip and place it into the modfolder like any other mod.

2. Start the FAF client and select the Play tab.

3. Host a "FAF Develop" game. This will install and start the latest FAF development version.

4. Activate the AI-Uveso mod inside the mod manager.

5. Select "AIx-Uveso Adaptive" as oponent.

6. Use a Ai cheat and build factor of 0.4

7. Start the game.

I can tell you later, what to change if you want the AI without building T1 units etc.
(please have in mind this is a alpha verion of the AI. It does not build much base defense except anti-air. It's using mostly Experimentals to defend the base.)

Some notes to your game.log:

You have 3 .scd mods installed, they are not needed in faf (you still need this for steam)
info: not safe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\01_MoreColorsMod.scd
info: not safe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\02_sorian_ai_pack.scd
info: not safe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\gamedata\03_lobbyenhancement.scd

Total Mayhem v1.20 is way outdated. please use my updated version v1.36:

These mods often causes problems with the game or other mods (please disable for testing or game.logs)
T3 Engineering Stations FAF (16e610af-7e2c-402b-9dc7-bdf69272256g)
Idle Engineers (b2cde810-15d0-4bfa-af66-ec2d6ecd561e)

Antares Unit Pack
Not compatible to FAF, can/will crash if the AI is using kennel/hives from Aeon or Seraphim

Errors from Total mayhem about Icons:
Unable to find file:/textures/ui/uef/icons/units/
(Update the mod if you like to see icons there^^)

Some errors are related to Total Mayhem and Antares units. For Total mayhem just upddate the mod.
The antares mod should not be used. There are to many errors.

Happy testing :)

greetings, Uveso.

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 17 May 2018, 18:08

2018-05-16T23:21:27+02:00 2018-05-16T23:21:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163487#p163487 <![CDATA[Re: cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu mi]]>
someone told me to use the updated version, but when i tried playing with the version in the vault, it registered as a blacklisted mod, so i could not play with it.

then i heard in the chat lobby that it had been integrated 'years ago', but if this were true, i wouldnt be seeing the placeholder icons without the mod, and i definitely am.

the same person(i think) told me to search 'blackops faf' in the vault, and i did, but i found only the full black ops mod. i may download it to replace the old version, but i do not want to have the full mod activated just to have my icons not be placeholders, as it would require i restrict all the black ops units each time i play...

speaking of unit restrictions, is there a way to save unit restriction settings when using faf? it is a tedious task to have to go through and click each individual unit i want restricted each time i want to play.

my main reason for wanting to play faf recently is to see if my defenses could hold strong against hordes of non-t1 or t2 stuff, but the ai will spam these units and make my game run immeasurably slow. however i cannot restrict them only for the ai. i guess it wouldnt really matter if i used faf's no-t1-spam and the like, since i dont really build the units id be restricting, but the ONLY reason i want them restricted is because against my defenses, t1, t2 and a good chunk of t3 units are like specs of dust against the perses t4 point defense from the total mayhem mod, and if i restrict the ai from building these units, my game will run 3x as fast because the ai is no longer using them as the backbone of their forces...

but i want the option to flood their defenses with spam of my own if i want to, and i like to test this out now and then.

on the flip side, i also want to see what it would take against an ai built entirely on defense, with no intention to attack, so essentially an impenetrable fortress.

normally this is an easy task, as total mayhem's uef doomsday and mayhem mk 4, or the cybran snkaebite mk2 and avalanche mk2, or the aeon's pride and hades are strong enough that a group of 6 or 7 can take down any threat.

but this is nothing compared to how effective four perses are.

GRANTED, these are all only possible because i play with the antares unit pack, which gives each faction a massive siege shield capable of standing up against a constant barrage from several scathis'/mavors/salvations. i understand this is very cheaty, but i do not consider it an achievement. this is only to watch the carnage and test. i find little entertainment in early game wins like rushing or similar tactics to end the game fast, and this mod makes it so every battle ISNT this, like it likely is online.

yes, i know i babble, but ive been thinking about this all through work, and i was really hoping to find a fix when i got home, not more questions.

i should have tested to see if it was any of my mods, but i had absolutely no idea it was something as commonly used as black ops global icon support being the problem, or any of my other mods for that matter.

Statistics: Posted by IMAZOMBIE358 — 16 May 2018, 23:21

2018-05-16T16:29:59+02:00 2018-05-16T16:29:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163375#p163375 <![CDATA[Re: cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu mi]]>
To see what's going wrong, we need your game.log.

If you don't know where you can find it, read the red text on top of this page named "Read this before posting here".

But i can do a guess:
Even if you don't wrote this, you are using the "Black Ops Global Icon Support" mod.
Disable it please, and try again.

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 16 May 2018, 16:29

2018-05-16T02:45:10+02:00 2018-05-16T02:45:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16184&p=163349#p163349 <![CDATA[cant build, units have no selection sound, build menu missin]]>
but when using faf, and only when using faf, no matter what the settings are, no matter how many/how little ai i have, the problems listed in the title are all there.

ive played through faf before with a couple friends and have had no such problems.

to elaborate, i can move and select the acu, and likely order him to attack, but the whole build menu and upgrades thing is missing, except for the unit's icon, a circle arrow, and something else, along with a fuel icon in the unit icon.

the ai are always fully functional however.

i have not tested to see if it is either of my mods;
total mayhem, antares unit pack v4, resource rich x50, and t3 engineering stations,

the problems do persist across all maps though.

i have none of these problems in the steam version. i honestly wish i could use faf's incredible unit restriction system as its own mod. it is half the reason im using faf.

Statistics: Posted by IMAZOMBIE358 — 16 May 2018, 02:45
