Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-06-15T13:27:24+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=17657 2019-06-15T13:27:24+02:00 2019-06-15T13:27:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=17657&p=175505#p175505 <![CDATA[High ping only to people in my country]]>
However my ping to Australia is consistently high (green) and I live in Australia. I'm guessing this is a round proxy trip but who knows in this Ice Adaptor age.


Is there any way I can fix this?
Is there any way I can disable the proxy somehow?
Don'tchya think it would be cool if it could choose proxy/direct based on fastest?

Logs attached. I quit in the lobby, didnt start the game

edit: im using old "Not Downlords" client

Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 15 Jun 2019, 13:27
