HingeState = State{
Main = function(self)
#unpacking of the unit, you can ignore this, not even sure if its necessary tbh
#Set up joints 1 and 2
self.J1 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint1', 'x')
#the two bones ill be manipulating later, see picture above
self.J2 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint2', 'x')
#these things that are just required for whatever reason?
local rotateold = {}
#I don't want to have the hinge constantly trying to move, so I create this variable to check against
while not self:IsDead() do
#the following gets the details on the pitch of the weapon, and if it has changed
#this needs to exist and have a value that isn't 0. Changing this requires changing the starred line below
local tune = {}
tune.heading, tune.pitch = self:GetWeaponManipulatorByLabel('MainGun'):GetHeadingPitch()
#This returns values in radians. Yeah. radians. What the hell. Took a while to figure that out.
local rotate = {}
rotate = MATH_IRound((180/3.14159)*tune.pitch) #Converting to degrees and rounding for nice numbers
#Most of the supcom bones seem to twitch subtly, so without rounding rotate almost always changes
if rotateold ~= rotate then #if the weapon pitch hasn't changed over the last 0.1 seconds, nothing happens
#Translate differences in rotate
local R2 = {} #I used blender, and iterated through a few angles of the pitch bone to establish joint angles
local R3 = {} #Then I used excel to derive a polynomial. It was a 3rd order, but the first term was a tiny thing
local R5 = {}
local R6 = {}
R2 = (-0.0165*(rotate*rotate)) #Terms 2 and 3 from the joint1's poly
R3 = (1.1357*(rotate))
R5 = (0.0295*(rotate*rotate)) #Terms 2 and 3 from joint2's poly
R6 = (-1.9041*(rotate))
#Those paying attention may notice I dropped my C term; turns out I corrected for it with my model by
#accident. This is not something anyone will need to worry about, It was my own sloppiness that created its
#need, and the same sloppiness that accidentally fixed it.
rotate1 = MATH_IRound(R2+R3) #cleanliness
rotate2 = MATH_IRound(R5+R6)
*GetHeadingPitch() produces radians, yet this takes degrees. But motion is reversed. What. The. Hell.
#*******************Tune these speeds with the wait time to make a smooth motion
rotateold = rotate #set the new rotate value. This might be able to go in the if loop above, dunno.
Statistics: Posted by Dudekahedron — 04 Dec 2016, 20:19
HingeState = State{
Main = function(self)
WaitSeconds(2) #unpacking of the unit, you can ignore this
self.J1 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint1', 'x') #the two bones ill be manipulating later
self.J2 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint2', 'x')
self.Trash:Add(self.J1) #these things that are just required for whatever reason?
local rotateold = {}
while not self:IsDead() do
#Set up joints 1 and 2
#Get angle position
local angle = {}
angle.x, angle.y, angle.z = self:GetBoneDirection('pitch') #Im hoping this is a local x angle, and not a global one
local blah = {}
blah.x, blah.y, blah.z = self:GetBoneDirection('DAB201')
local rotate = {}
rotate = MATH_IRound(Util.GetAngleInBetween(angle, blah))
LOG('Difference is')
if rotateold ~= rotate then
#Translate differences in angle
local R1 = {}
local R2 = {}
local R3 = {}
local R4 = {}
R1 = MATH_IRound(0.0064*rotate^2) #R1 to R4 come from the approximated hinge behavior
R2 = MATH_IRound(-0.9653*rotate)
R3 = MATH_IRound(-0.0089*rotate^2)
R4 = MATH_IRound(1.5412*rotate)
LOG('J1 rotating by')
LOG('J2 rotating by')
rotateold = rotate
Statistics: Posted by Dudekahedron — 04 Dec 2016, 00:24
HingeState = State{
Main = function(self)
WaitSeconds(2) #unpacking of the unit, you can ignore this
while not self:IsDead() do
WaitSeconds(0.5) #necessary to stop endless update and game crash
#Set up joints 1 and 2
self.J1 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint1', 'x') #the two bones ill be manipulating later
self.J2 = CreateRotator(self, 'joint2', 'x')
self.Trash:Add(self.J1) #these things that are just required for whatever reason?
#Get angle position
local angle = {}
angle.x, angle.y, angle.z = self:GetBoneDirection('pitch')
#Im hoping this is a local x angle measured from starting orientation
LOG('pitch angle is') #so i know what is happening
#Translate differences in angle
#local R1 = {}
local R2 = {}
local R3 = {}
local R4 = {}
R1 = -0.0064*angle.x^2 #R1 to R4 come from the approximated hinge behavior for my specific set of bones
R2 = 0.9653*angle.x
R3 = 0.0089*angle.x^2
R4 = -1.5412*angle.x
LOG('J1 rotating by')
LOG('J2 rotating by')
self.J1:SetCurrentAngle(R1+R2) #moves joint1 and joint2 bones to their new positions
Statistics: Posted by Dudekahedron — 03 Dec 2016, 23:42