Forged Alliance ForeverForged Alliance Forever Forums2020-03-13T22:28:40+02:00/feed.php?f=40&t=188652020-03-13T22:28:40+02:002020-03-13T22:28:40+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18865&p=182547#p182547Statistics: Posted by Geosearchef — 13 Mar 2020, 22:28
]]>2020-03-12T13:58:40+02:002020-03-12T13:58:40+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18865&p=182523#p182523Scenario: I made an account years ago using a very old email address that I no longer use because... well it's so old and becoming useless with nearly everything. But for whatever reason I couldn't login, so I decided to make a new account seeing as I couldn't access the old one (the email address is eventually being discontinued whether I like it or not so I assumed that was the issue). Longer story short, I forgot about the steam account linking which made the new account pointless, so I tried to go back to login to the old account and managed it.... then wanted to change the email address to what I use now and can't... due to...
Error! could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [unique_email]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
At a guess (I'm not knowledgeable on this sort of this) I'm thinking it can't change the email to the one I want because it is being used by the new pointless account I made.
What I need help with: Would it be possible to have this new pointless account deleted, as I have no use for it now I regained access to the old account? Because once that's deleted my newer email address is freed up and I can tie it to my old original account.
I apologise for making this a bigger issue than needed and for making a second account but that was only done because A: I forgot about the steam account linking and B: I couldn't access the old one (mostly due to another Faux Pas).
I haven't put details of the accounts here but I'll pass on the information when it's needed, not out in the open!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the mess I created!
Sigma 27
Statistics: Posted by Sigma-27 — 12 Mar 2020, 13:58