Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-08-12T01:47:51+02:00 /feed.php?f=40&t=19574 2020-08-12T01:47:51+02:00 2020-08-12T01:47:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=186303#p186303 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]> - You can use shift+tab to assign camera positions, and tab to return to them.

There is a mod ("More Camera Stuff" ?) that allows you to have numbered positions using the number keys, but I generally find two or three to be sufficient, and shift+tab to work for that many positions. Also, since ctrl+# assigns units, assigning camera positons with the mod is something like shift+ctrl+alt+#, and then ctrl+alt+# to return to them. Which I don't like. But maybe you will.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 12 Aug 2020, 01:47

2020-07-21T00:20:22+02:00 2020-07-21T00:20:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185814#p185814 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]>
MrTBSC wrote:
"but you can zoom in and out with the mouse or just click on the map or drag" ... still a bad excuse for it missing and for me personaly constantly zooming out and back in is fucking annoying on the eyes ..
"this is not a FPS or thirdperson actiongame" is even a worse excuse to not allow it when the most important keys are put on the left side were the majority of your hotkeyoptions are, instead of having to use the arrowkeys were you have not only less keys around in the immidiate area but also unused space were your hand and fingers have to reach over ...

I'm guessing you're not very high ranked?

The high ranking players tend to play more zoomed out, and only zoom in when they need to build something very specifically (i.e. adjacency build arrangements) or do manual reclaim (typically only at the beginning or when a significant unit dies, otherwise alt+right click from zoomed out).

I agree it would be ideal to have optional camera movement at the WASD positions, but if you want POV casts of the pros they never pan, only zoom. And mostly play zoomed out. Consider also that if you learn to play without panning, then you can use WASD as hotkeys for other things, and you have to move your hand even less—i.e. the most important keys are in the immediate area.

tl;dr I think you will find you play better if you learn to play without panning and without (as much) zooming. I definitely have sympathy for you though, there was a while where I insisted on panning and it was definitely annoying to have to reach over.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 21 Jul 2020, 00:20

2020-07-19T19:12:59+02:00 2020-07-19T19:12:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185777#p185777 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]>
myEmperor wrote:
Hello, how can I rebind my camera from arrow keys to WASD? :?:

far as i remember this isn´t possible in the game ... MAYBE with a mod like hotbuild? i haven´t played in a very long time
but this lack of keyboard customiseability was among the list of reasons i stopped playing ..

"but you can zoom in and out with the mouse or just click on the map or drag" ... still a bad excuse for it missing and for me personaly constantly zooming out and back in is fucking annoying on the eyes ..
"this is not a FPS or thirdperson actiongame" is even a worse excuse to not allow it when the most important keys are put on the left side were the majority of your hotkeyoptions are, instead of having to use the arrowkeys were you have not only less keys around in the immidiate area but also unused space were your hand and fingers have to reach over ...

Statistics: Posted by MrTBSC — 19 Jul 2020, 19:12

2020-07-18T21:20:11+02:00 2020-07-18T21:20:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185736#p185736 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]>
Try using zoom to move around. Zoom out, then move the mouse where you want to zoom in, then zoom in.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 18 Jul 2020, 21:20

2020-07-14T19:53:31+02:00 2020-07-14T19:53:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185643#p185643 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]> Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 14 Jul 2020, 19:53

2020-07-14T16:26:56+02:00 2020-07-14T16:26:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185637#p185637 <![CDATA[Re: WASD camera]]>
myEmperor wrote:
Hello, how can I rebind my camera from arrow keys to WASD? :?:


Statistics: Posted by myEmperor — 14 Jul 2020, 16:26

2020-07-14T13:55:05+02:00 2020-07-14T13:55:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19574&p=185635#p185635 <![CDATA[WASD camera]]>

Statistics: Posted by myEmperor — 14 Jul 2020, 13:55
