Anihilnine wrote:
If your planning on matching it to onscreen, it will be terrible user experience. This is when you zoom in/out the framerate is much higher than the UI element repositioning rate. It looks so bad that I wouldn't even consider it.
No, not planning to move it around in real time, just want a slider at a fixed position over the top of the 3D view, for fast access.
Anihilnine wrote:
Supreme Economy 3 displays a bar chart next to buildings (its just a coloured block)
UiParty displays icons next to units
I've got some code for showing 'adornments', like in UiParty, and it's more about the interaction with the mouse for setting a value, then, rather than positioning.
Probably not wise to try to implement my own slider interaction logic, and I guess either I'm able to use the same slider as on the options screen but put this over the main 3D view, or I give up and put the slider in the options..Statistics: Posted by crispweed — 08 Nov 2018, 10:35