]]>2016-01-26T17:07:36+02:002016-01-26T17:07:36+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11547&p=118356#p118356 Anyone have any idea when the server update is coming, if at all? I heard that one person in the team of 3 just gave up and I'm wondering why 1 of the other 2 hasn't just resumed work on it...
]]>2016-01-25T15:56:40+02:002016-01-25T15:56:40+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11547&p=118289#p118289Statistics: Posted by theeggroll — 25 Jan 2016, 15:56
]]>2016-01-25T16:23:39+02:002016-01-25T15:30:17+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11547&p=118288#p118288 I'll throw this out there: I enjoy hard maps. I like the current map pool, with its lack of maps like winter/summer duel, etc. I imagine that the types of maps in the current pool also appeal to the higher level players.
However, let's think about this from the point of view of a new player who wishes to use the ladder.
My first map on ladder was Loki. I dont know about you, but when i got it i was all "eh?" And then after that twin rivers. And then after that vya-3.
Now throw in some others like cross-fire canal and bermuda locket, and it isnt hard to see why it can quickly get frustrating and overwhelming. Even for seasoned players, large maps are mentally fatiguing. And they already know how the game works. How is a novice ever meant to learn or enjoy the experience?
Instead of dumbing down the pool, i wonder if it possible (coding wise) to allow lower level players/novices to use a seperate, "easier" pool? And by easier pool, i imagine - smaller maps, less multitasking/apm needed?
TLDR: Current map pool for new players is like being thrown in the deep end of the pool with a deflating band aid. You either learn to swim fast, or forever plummet to the depths until someone is kind enough to show you how to swim.
Statistics: Posted by Sovietpride — 25 Jan 2016, 15:30