Also maybe you should cut down the number of games, especially for ladder right now, i would deem 10 games in 2 weeks very difficult to achieve with this low player count, especially with school + work etc
]]>2016-09-20T22:58:48+02:002016-09-20T03:46:18+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=13171&p=135836#p135836 About flamewars: Then he who is flaming and not formulating an argument shall be removed from his position and new member is to be elected.
Is democracy the best solution? No. But neither is 1 man deciding balance for 2 years straight without any elections.
]]>2016-09-18T22:41:32+02:002016-09-18T22:41:32+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=13171&p=135706#p135706Direct democracy only is functional if all members of the community have a stake in the project and are at least somewhat informed over issues and the background to understand them. I think the FAF community is quite far from this. We are not a village where everyone has a farm and a familiy to feed, to provide an example of a group with similar stakes and interests . Also, a necessary requirement to achieve the best decision from a group discussion, is that every member has to be open minded, as in open for ideas, arguments, and critique. This is usually impeded by people becoming to emotionally involved too consider an argument and you end up with a flamewar instead of the best solution (If you are interested in further reading, check out the work of Habermas ... n_Handelns).
Regarding council positions, often there are not really many people willing to put in the hours to do a good job. At latest when the next round of complains arrives, and there will always be blaming and complaining, many will lose their motiviation. On the other hand, people who want to contribute usually find a way to do so, e.g. by modding etc. . I guess that means I think a requirement for a candidate to a council position has to be that he has a portfolio of already completed projects or contributions relevant to that position, or can convincingly make an argument that he means business by any other way.
Statistics: Posted by lebensnebel — 18 Sep 2016, 22:41
]]>2016-09-18T20:36:55+02:002016-09-18T20:36:55+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=13171&p=135695#p135695Statistics: Posted by Mel_Gibson — 18 Sep 2016, 20:36
]]>2016-09-20T22:58:00+02:002016-09-18T19:01:54+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=13171&p=135680#p135680 What I propose: Remember that poll "feedback on features"? How about starting such a poll on the first Monday of a month, giving people a week to vote and then spend the rest of the month working on those features? When some of those features are fixed (e.g. mod vault), report the successes at the end of the month so players can see that what they wanted fixed WAS fixed. That way trust into devs will be restored and maybe some will want to join.
Councilors I suggest figuring out candidates for each position and then letting people choose their favorites. Do this selection every 3 months so one person does not stay in charge for too long.
Moderators Same system as councilors.
Limits For voting, a player must be in FAF for at least 2 months, 25+ games and active For election as a mod - at least 3 months, 100+ games, active For election as a councilor - at least 6 months, active, 300+ games out of which no more than 40% can be on the same map.