Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-05-14T06:14:25+02:00 /feed.php?f=42&t=19250 2020-05-14T06:14:25+02:00 2020-05-14T06:14:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19250&p=184119#p184119 <![CDATA[Clan management rework]]>
My name is Mirddes and I helped create/manage the ANZ clan and ANZ FAF discord.

Clans are really cool however the current state of clans is less than ideal.

Right now running a large clan is difficult because i have to carefully craft individual invites which then expire after what seems to be less than a day. I need a way to process bulk invitations.

I have identified a few changes which would greatly improve and enhance clans.
currently a unique link must be generated for each player wanting to join the clan. the username must be typed correctly. 9 months ago i was using a different version of the clan management page (it looked very different) this version featured an autocomplete list of username suggestions populated as you typed the username of the player you were attempting to invite.

I propose the addition of a request to join button on the clan page. clicking this button will populate a list of requests to join to be approved later by the clan owner. a clan management role capable of approving requests to join would also be great.

As of this time the browse clans page is also a tad broken
Sorting by population only sorts the current page instead of the entire list.

My Suggestions
-clans\manage - list of requests to join
-clans\manage - autocomplete usernames
-clans\browse - sort all by population/etc

I understand this may be a low priority and I hope you appreciate this feedback as much as I appreciate FAF existing.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Statistics: Posted by mirddes — 14 May 2020, 06:14
