I'm kind of a new user. I played a lot of SupCom a few years back and even tried FAF for something like two games. With the summer sale I bought the game on Steam again and just finished the campaign. So I decided to give another try to FAF after so long and boy was it overwhelming!
First things first, the new client is top and the instructions to install it on Linux are clear and just works. That part is great! So I launched a game against the AI and that's where I got a bit lost. So much stuff is different from the Steam version of the game, even the factories look different (at least the UEF T2 Air factory). From what I gathered, some important and not always obvious mechanics have changed e.g. the overcharge or the veterancy.
So to come to the question part, is there somewhere a list of changes/things to be mindful about when coming from the Steam version to the FAF version? Sure you can do that in a bunch of skirmishes against an AI, but it's just faster to read through a list and then explore specific points rather than trying everything to see what's changed.
Maybe the answers are already somewhere in the wiki/the forums, but maybe making it more visible (e.g. with a popup the first time you launch the client) would help people who comes from the Steam version of the game.
Anyway, thanks for reading to this point and have a great day
!Statistics: Posted by Aftergergluck — 12 Jul 2020, 15:12