Firstly it would be really nice to be able to either delete old maps from the vault (to reduce clutter/people downloading the wong versions) or update old maps.
Secondly it would be great if the uploaders name could be placed under the maps in the vault, its not a vanity thing its just so its possible to contact the user about any problems.
Thirdly make it impossible to rate maps without playing or downloading them. I find it pretty annoying that some guy goes and rates a map I made 1* without even trying it (can tell as there were more ratings than downloads and 0 plays at that point).
Finally it would be nice if each time maps are uploaded the preview images could be deleted and remade as sometimes these are slightly out of date if you have been working on the map across multiple versions (not being native windows file formats you may not notice until its too late).
Thanks for reading!Statistics: Posted by Arkansas — 30 Jan 2013, 16:16