To do this I introduced "virtual-factional-allies" to the rating. Something similar was actually suggested by someone on the forum a few years ago but I can't find a good set of keywords to find the post (if the originator is reading this, shouts out to you!). The basic idea is that for each game, each player gets a virtual ally depending on the faction matchup. I'm UEF facing cybran? Then I get the UEF-v-Cybran ally, and my opponent gets the Cybran-v-UEF ally. At the end of game the spoils (or losses) in terms of rating update are distributed between me and my virtual ally as per canonical trueskill (ie bayesian inference).
Now these virtual-allies get different beta and tau parameters (and are exempt from rust / experience if used in conjunction with my rust model) in recognition that their underlying skill changes very infrequently - only when balance team makes a change. Also the mirror matchup virtual-allies (eg UEF-v-UEF) never get any rating updates, locked at mean=1500,sigma=0 in recognition that mirror matchups should always cancel as a given.
So that all sounds pretty exciting, but what do the results show?. The rating progression for the virtual-factional-allies does indeed show that cybran is OP and UEF sucks balls. I was hoping to see step changes in the progression that I could point to and say "aha! balance change" but its difficult to point to any definitive step change. Overall the NLML did drop, but not as much as the skill-as-a-function-of-mapsize and the rust models. Also disappointingly, no change in optimal beta or tau
Also the distribution of outcome probabilities shows no discernable difference (apart from the aggregate quantitiative NLML), and TA4Life's rating progression shows no significant difference either.
It is interesting to note that certain faction matchups do appear to have a significant penalty. eg using uef against cybran may disadvantage you by up to 50 pts of skill! ( uef-v-cybran's ally has skill of about 1475, and therefore cybran-v-uef's ally has skill about 1525, for a total of 50 pts difference). If this is infact a reliable causitive measure of imbalance, it is conceivably worthwhile incorporating into the auto-match system for better player experience. For the player that always chooses UEF, theres no difference because his own personal rating will soon enough adjust accordinly and he'll be appropriately matched. However if he (or his opponent) likes to play random, or frequently changes faction, auto-matcher would now be able to instantly compensate.
I can't upload all the faction vs faction rating progressions, so I'll just summarise the results here:
aeon vs cybran: 16pts in cybran favour
aeon vs seraphim: 8pts in seraphim favour
cybran vs seraphim: 8pts in cybran favour
uef vs aeon: 24pts in aeon favour
uef vs cybran: 60pts in cybran favour
uef vs seraphim: 50pts in seraphim favour
Next to come: What if we put it all together?Statistics: Posted by Axle — 12 May 2016, 14:03