Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-02-04T08:24:39+02:00 /feed.php?f=50&t=6537 2014-02-04T08:24:39+02:00 2014-02-04T08:24:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6537&p=64102#p64102 <![CDATA[Re: Scanning for opponents wont stop]]> Here my last logs, probably that helps:

P.S. Sorry for my english.

Statistics: Posted by ZAMPOLIT_RA — 04 Feb 2014, 08:24

2014-02-04T07:58:45+02:00 2014-02-04T07:58:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6537&p=64099#p64099 <![CDATA[Re: Scanning for opponents wont stop]]> Most recent incident is: I've been attacking 484 when a Cybran started an attack at 1270. After clicking "Defend" for 1270 it kept scanning for about 10minutes, actually it is still scanning...
Apparently some UEF then counterattacked my attack at 484 and must have got a free win - my attack vanished. But i have neither been ingame nor did i get any of those pre-game mini-updates. All i did was scanning for the opponent at 1270 - for far too long obviously.
Now im probably stuck in a game again if you ask the server^^ - at least i get the "You cant attack more than one planet at once"-message.

I just realised that the attacker at 1270 was one of the attackers of 1166 - the planet we also couldnt defend some hours before.
He said he's gonna post here, too

Statistics: Posted by El_Zinkovich — 04 Feb 2014, 07:58

2014-02-04T03:25:51+02:00 2014-02-04T03:25:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6537&p=64089#p64089 <![CDATA[Re: Scanning for opponents wont stop]]>

Statistics: Posted by Ato0theJ — 04 Feb 2014, 03:25

2014-02-04T08:03:35+02:00 2014-02-04T03:21:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6537&p=64087#p64087 <![CDATA[Scanning for opponents wont stop]]> still scanning...
Update: After 15minutes of scanning i tried to abort it by unchecking "Available for playing". The scanning bar didn't give a f*** about that. So we tried to defend another planet but it said we couldn't attack more than one planet at once. Everyone of us restarted FAF -> same result. The planet 1166 "will be defended soon already" now and we can't do anything since the server seems to think we were about to start the game at 1166.

2nd Update: After the attack got finished because it reached 100% occupation i can attack again.

Statistics: Posted by El_Zinkovich — 04 Feb 2014, 03:21
