Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2018-10-13T18:52:36+02:00 /feed.php?f=53&t=16799 2018-10-13T18:52:36+02:00 2018-10-13T18:52:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16799&p=168442#p168442 <![CDATA[Re: AI Markers in FAF Map Editor (Path Nodes)]]>
i am working right now for a tutorial; How to make AI path markers.
I started the topic here:

Go there and ask as much as you can about markers!
I will answer your questions as soon as possible.

With your help (questions) i can finish this tutorial way faster!

Btw i am working on my own AI;
It has a debug feature to show AI path's and shows how the AI is using those markers/path in realtime.
Here a small video to show the debug path drawing:

This is the place where you can download my AI:
(install as normal mod, needs the FAF game version)
AI path debugging can be enabled via ingame lobby options.

[Edit] My AI mod also shows warning messages inside the debuglog (press F9 while playing in windowed mode)
if it finds path markers that a not connected to other markers or if they are not usable by the AI.
It will also warn you if you place MASS markers to close to the mapborder (they must be more then 8,5 units away from the border or the AI can't use them)

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 13 Oct 2018, 18:52

2018-10-13T16:52:03+02:00 2018-10-13T16:52:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16799&p=168435#p168435 <![CDATA[AI Markers in FAF Map Editor (Path Nodes)]]> for a decade now Supreme Commander has been one of my favorite RTS Games. So I decided its the right time to start some map editing.
I came up with a few cool map designs and because I also love 3d editing and photoshop, so the heightmap creation and editing was no problem. Additionally I added some custom brushes and texture mask.

But now I don´t know how to properly place and link the path markers.
I understand the use of almost every marker but how to:

- link Path Nodes with each other properly
- do I need to link the Rally points with the Path nodes

THX Guys for your time, Georodin

Statistics: Posted by Georodin — 13 Oct 2018, 16:52
