Zock wrote:
t3 should give more than t2. Maybe it's an oversight, not sure how it was before we changed adjancency values for engymod to prevent the cheap support factories becoming too efficient with it. (They are still more efficient than mass storage, but you are limited to using the mass into land units)
I did some testing with this actually.
Single t3 mex is 18 mass per tick, capped is 27.
4 T3 factories around a T3 mex making harbingers or T3 siege tanks gives you an effective income of 30 mass per tick.
However, 4 T3 factories around a T3 mex making percies or bricks only give 27.5.
Imo we should maybe nerf t1 mex adjacency a little but buff t2 mex a tad, but only a little on both sides, since you also get additional mass income from upgrading mex.Statistics: Posted by TheKoopa — 09 Jan 2016, 00:51