Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-05-01T14:44:05+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=11488 2016-05-01T14:44:05+02:00 2016-05-01T14:44:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126136#p126136 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
mirroredwang wrote:
Hawkei wrote:... Having a whole force of T3 gunships pushing inland, on an attack move command, with some aircraft carriers sitting behind, is a very powerful attack force. As the gunship will automatically pull back as they take damage, repair, and re-join the fight. With the rate at which carriers can repair, fully healed gunships will be joining the fight just as quickly as those pulling out. This form of attack is virtually unstoppable.

How does this work exactly?

Attack move Is Left ALT + Mouse right click. Aircraft will automatically return as they take damage (usually, they will go into the yellow before returning). They will do this provided they are in range of a refuel/repair facility. You can determine this range by selecting an air staging pad, or carrier, and looking at the big purple circle. Anything inside that circle if it is patrolling or attack moving will use the pad...

For the kind of attack I was talking about before, carriers will work best, and T3 gunships are the only ones who can pull out without dying. You also want your carriers close to minimise travel time, and keep them static, or the repair mechanic will not work. So basically, this works with a Restorer, Wailer, or Broadsword + Carrier combo.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 01 May 2016, 14:44

2016-04-30T21:44:23+02:00 2016-04-30T21:44:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126115#p126115 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
Hawkei wrote:
PhilipJFry wrote:
codepants wrote:Put your planes on patrol anywhere on the map.

This is pretty much where the problem starts (for late game air at least).
Putting your ASF on Patrol will result in half of your airforce chasing a single t3 spyplane and getting annihilated in the process.

You don't patrol with ASF... You patrol with cheap and expendable aircraft. Such as Interceptors or Swift Winds... Holding back your ASF in one big cluster on the ground leaves you wide open to drops and raids. It's called Airspace Control.

The advantage with this tactic is that nothing can make an incursion without you knowing it, and you might even be able to bait the enemy ASF into an unfavourable engagement - for the cost of a few cheap and expendable aircraft. All without risking your ASF swarm.

Yes, I do use air staging. I have it incorporated into my build templates. Manually using the R&R facility is really simple. You zoom in on your armada and quickly select all the ASF's in the red. Tell them to R&R, then shift click return to landing area. Only takes a couple of seconds, and the fighters will take turns on the pad. Patrol and attack move do the same thing - Though on attack move the aircraft are much more responsive when they take damage. Having a whole force of T3 gunships pushing inland, on an attack move command, with some aircraft carriers sitting behind, is a very powerful attack force. As the gunship will automatically pull back as they take damage, repair, and re-join the fight. With the rate at which carriers can repair, fully healed gunships will be joining the fight just as quickly as those pulling out. This form of attack is virtually unstoppable.

How does this work exactly?

Statistics: Posted by mirroredwang — 30 Apr 2016, 21:44

2016-04-30T12:31:04+02:00 2016-04-30T12:31:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126096#p126096 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
PhilipJFry wrote:
codepants wrote:Put your planes on patrol anywhere on the map.

This is pretty much where the problem starts (for late game air at least).
Putting your ASF on Patrol will result in half of your airforce chasing a single t3 spyplane and getting annihilated in the process.

You don't patrol with ASF... You patrol with cheap and expendable aircraft. Such as Interceptors or Swift Winds... Holding back your ASF in one big cluster on the ground leaves you wide open to drops and raids. It's called Airspace Control.

The advantage with this tactic is that nothing can make an incursion without you knowing it, and you might even be able to bait the enemy ASF into an unfavourable engagement - for the cost of a few cheap and expendable aircraft. All without risking your ASF swarm.

Yes, I do use air staging. I have it incorporated into my build templates. Manually using the R&R facility is really simple. You zoom in on your armada and quickly select all the ASF's in the red. Tell them to R&R, then shift click return to landing area. Only takes a couple of seconds, and the fighters will take turns on the pad. Patrol and attack move do the same thing - Though on attack move the aircraft are much more responsive when they take damage. Having a whole force of T3 gunships pushing inland, on an attack move command, with some aircraft carriers sitting behind, is a very powerful attack force. As the gunship will automatically pull back as they take damage, repair, and re-join the fight. With the rate at which carriers can repair, fully healed gunships will be joining the fight just as quickly as those pulling out. This form of attack is virtually unstoppable.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 30 Apr 2016, 12:31

2016-04-29T22:59:42+02:00 2016-04-29T22:59:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126082#p126082 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
codepants wrote:
Lichking suggested something like:
if(fuel < 0.3 && idle && idletime > 5000 && autorefuel){gorefuel();}

- fuel is the percentage of fuel the plane has
- idle is whether or not the unit has any orders queued (move, attack, etc)
- idletime is set to 0 every time the unit completes its last order and counts up in ms
- autorefuel is a boolean set by the player

This would be nice though. I mean, if they're not doing anything anyway...

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 29 Apr 2016, 22:59

2016-04-29T21:01:53+02:00 2016-04-29T21:01:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126079#p126079 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]> Statistics: Posted by briang — 29 Apr 2016, 21:01

2016-04-29T19:18:29+02:00 2016-04-29T19:18:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126072#p126072 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
Gorton wrote:
codepants wrote:Again, yes, the ideal solution would be that they "know what to do," but any solution where they "automatically" go refuel, there's going to be issues of when exactly do they do that. You don't want half your squad staying behind at a critical moment.

How about "When they're out of fuel" ?

I'd rather have them refuel at around 30%, honestly. Otherwise you could order them to battle with 3% fuel, then run out either before they get there or during the fight. Theoretically at least a fraction of your force will run out around the same time.

But not at a "hard" 40%, because if they enter with 43%, they could leave to refuel before or during the fight (same problem with any "hard" % except at least above 0 they don't take forever to make it back to the staging facility).

And still... planes with an empty tank can make the difference in a fight, so you might want them to go until you order them to.

In any case, I think we're arguing nuances here that don't really matter in the end. I agree with you in principle: units that manage themselves would be easier to manage.

Lichking suggested something like:
if(fuel < 0.3 && idle && idletime > 5000 && autorefuel){gorefuel();}

- fuel is the percentage of fuel the plane has
- idle is whether or not the unit has any orders queued (move, attack, etc)
- idletime is set to 0 every time the unit completes its last order and counts up in ms
- autorefuel is a boolean set by the player

@braing, I think you're agreeing with me...? Clarify if not.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 29 Apr 2016, 19:18

2016-04-27T22:48:40+02:00 2016-04-27T22:48:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126016#p126016 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
codepants wrote:
Gorton wrote:I think you're missing the point entirely codepants.

Doing something (setting them on patrol) give you more to do, wastes fuel, is not a good move.
That's odd by itself.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Setting other units on patrol gives you "more to do..." I don't see why air units should be special.

Gorton wrote:
And this is completely irrev to the idea of having at least a button to tell planes to refuel, ideally a toggle to do it automatically when they reach low fuel.

You can select them and tell them to dock with the air staging facility. Not as efficient as it could be, I'll agree, but it's there. As for the auto toggle -- would you want them to leave the battlefield at x amount? How would they know when it was OK to go? Again, yes, the ideal solution would be that they "know what to do," but any solution where they "automatically" go refuel, there's going to be issues of when exactly do they do that. You don't want half your squad staying behind at a critical moment.

How about "When they're out of fuel" ?

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 27 Apr 2016, 22:48

2016-04-27T22:33:47+02:00 2016-04-27T22:33:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=126015#p126015 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
codepants wrote:
Gorton wrote:I think you're missing the point entirely codepants.

Doing something (setting them on patrol) give you more to do, wastes fuel, is not a good move.
That's odd by itself.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Setting other units on patrol gives you "more to do..." I don't see why air units should be special.

Gorton wrote:
And this is completely irrev to the idea of having at least a button to tell planes to refuel, ideally a toggle to do it automatically when they reach low fuel.

You can select them and tell them to dock with the air staging facility. Not as efficient as it could be, I'll agree, but it's there. As for the auto toggle -- would you want them to leave the battlefield at x amount? How would they know when it was OK to go? Again, yes, the ideal solution would be that they "know what to do," but any solution where they "automatically" go refuel, there's going to be issues of when exactly do they do that. You don't want half your squad staying behind at a critical moment.

Please give me an example where units make such decisions for themselves in this game. Are you asking that we give air units battlefield awareness? I think that would require more lines of code than the rest of the entire game. What a preposterous thought... If you can't decide when it is a good time to hit the incredibly convenient button to refuel them it isn't a problem with the game.

Statistics: Posted by briang — 27 Apr 2016, 22:33

2016-04-27T02:23:06+02:00 2016-04-27T02:23:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125980#p125980 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
Gorton wrote:
I think you're missing the point entirely codepants.

Doing something (setting them on patrol) give you more to do, wastes fuel, is not a good move.
That's odd by itself.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Setting other units on patrol gives you "more to do..." I don't see why air units should be special.

Gorton wrote:
And this is completely irrev to the idea of having at least a button to tell planes to refuel, ideally a toggle to do it automatically when they reach low fuel.

You can select them and tell them to dock with the air staging facility. Not as efficient as it could be, I'll agree, but it's there. As for the auto toggle -- would you want them to leave the battlefield at x amount? How would they know when it was OK to go? Again, yes, the ideal solution would be that they "know what to do," but any solution where they "automatically" go refuel, there's going to be issues of when exactly do they do that. You don't want half your squad staying behind at a critical moment.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 27 Apr 2016, 02:23

2016-04-22T20:50:02+02:00 2016-04-22T20:50:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125790#p125790 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]> Statistics: Posted by JaggedAppliance — 22 Apr 2016, 20:50

2016-04-22T19:37:22+02:00 2016-04-22T19:37:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125786#p125786 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]> Also I wish they would deselect themself so you can't interrupt then unless you select only them... but I am not sure since you can't select only ones that have no fuel :x
I mean whole idea with toggle or deselection is just to make them fly home and refuel, cause they very often get other orders at least when I micro them =/

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 22 Apr 2016, 19:37

2016-04-22T19:25:18+02:00 2016-04-22T19:25:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125782#p125782 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]> you are going for an air fight, and suddenly half your asf just automatically goes back to refuel because they are on 10% fuel...
it's an extreme exemple i know. But if you set like they go refuel by themself on 10% fuel and no order given, you may still don't want them to go back refuel by themself.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 22 Apr 2016, 19:25

2016-04-22T18:53:09+02:00 2016-04-22T18:53:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125775#p125775 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]> Statistics: Posted by JaggedAppliance — 22 Apr 2016, 18:53

2016-04-22T18:44:12+02:00 2016-04-22T18:44:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125773#p125773 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
Gorton wrote:
I think you're missing the point entirely codepants.

Doing something (setting them on patrol) give you more to do, wastes fuel, is not a good move.
That's odd by itself.

And this is completely irrev to the idea of having at least a button to tell planes to refuel, ideally a toggle to do it automatically when they reach low fuel.

Well ther is a "go refuel" button , but I think to recall that they tend to all go queue at the same station even if you have ten. And then they don't return to patrol.

Statistics: Posted by Zoram — 22 Apr 2016, 18:44

2016-04-22T18:40:28+02:00 2016-04-22T18:40:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11488&p=125772#p125772 <![CDATA[Re: does anyone care about air staging?]]>
Doing something (setting them on patrol) give you more to do, wastes fuel, is not a good move.
That's odd by itself.

And this is completely irrev to the idea of having at least a button to tell planes to refuel, ideally a toggle to do it automatically when they reach low fuel.

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 22 Apr 2016, 18:40
