Statistics: Posted by ____ — 23 Mar 2019, 05:42
Apofenas wrote:
This is just general aestetics of the game where everything is physical object and not part of an animation. Removing it when you have other ways to solve some specific issue is not a way to go.
Apofenas wrote:
Most of your build power near valuable target should be SCUs and hives any way. All you lose is unimportant build power and other side loses whole player. If that is too annoying for you, may be Game Councilor could enlighten us why that nuke change was made and if we could revert it.
Apofenas wrote:
I believe it was Yolo who calculated how much mass you needed to defend from mazer on setons before last patch. And i believe this is why delay for laser was introduced - you need less PDs to kill ACU before it kills what it goes for.
Apofenas wrote:
Instead if there was cheap anti-teleport structure with let's say 80 range than telemazer ACU would need to walk all the way into defended area giving you much more time to react - get some units and build some PDs before it reaches its target. This doesn't even have to be a new unit. At some point there was a suggestion to make an upgrade for stealth fields.
Statistics: Posted by ____ — 22 Mar 2019, 20:00
Statistics: Posted by Apofenas — 22 Mar 2019, 14:56
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
Telemazer has been nerfed so much it's barely worth it anymore. I get the impression that as Telemazer got nerfed, people started paying less attention so that Telemazer is still a thing now. From that perspective I don't think it should be nerfed further.
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
The SCU teleport is mostly useful because of it's death damage. You need it to be awfully close to an important unit, so in actual combat the death damage barely matters. Half the death damage of the SCU and you no longer have a teleport problem. Or will this actually create a problem with combat SCUs, which no longer chain after some get killed and therefore keep firing on experimentals?
Statistics: Posted by ____ — 21 Mar 2019, 17:49
Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 21 Mar 2019, 17:42
but it cost too much mass!
Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 21 Mar 2019, 17:26
Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 21 Mar 2019, 16:58
Apofenas wrote:
Just like in every discussion for like past 10 years, someone would mention it: add the fcking anti-teleport instead of using duct tape solutions like disabling laser for 10 seconds and disabling explosion for 30 seconds.
These discussions always go in a context of somebody having tele-maser and rarely tele-double gun. Would anyone try to make tele-ACU without laser and throw his life into tele-def JUST to take out engineers and damage shields? I guess this shouldn't work if there are SCUs in that base. I guess it is a very good use for useless 1400 gap players ..
Apofenas wrote:
Tele SCUs are never used as something else but as suicide weapon onto valuable target. How many times you saw somebody making one to kill unprotected mexes with TML? How many unprotected mexes did you see to pay it off lol? On the other hand you can make 2 and suicide them into anti-nuke = instant pay off. Sid says it works out much more often than air snipes. In theory you can make tele-tml SCU, but in practice you wouldn't find any mex to kill with it on gap.
This is ok that somebody is willing to suicide his ACU since there is only 1 per player and you lose that player after. But you can make as many SCUs as you want. And what's worse is that not every faction has that upgrade. I'd better rework it into some cheap short-ranged teleport or replace it with something else.
Statistics: Posted by ____ — 21 Mar 2019, 15:48
Statistics: Posted by Apofenas — 21 Mar 2019, 15:12
Statistics: Posted by ____ — 21 Mar 2019, 12:06