This is part of a much larger conversation I think about having a Sea based economy in Supcom (something that was one of the most glaring ommisions from T.A)
FunkOff wrote:This should be very possible.
However, as with all structures, it should be considered carefully whether it should be buildable on/under water or not. Underwater is, after all, the safest place to be because there are few high-damage torpedo weapons, and we wouldn't want to make it OP.
Yes, this does need to be considered before just chucking the ground mass storage underwater.
Killing an underwater unit / structure requires a specialised and exspensive weapon type. One that often (like torp bombers) requires mastery of the sea and air to (cost effectively) use . Having 'control' of an area of sea is different to having to hold a section of land with all its associated risks.
Having said that, it would be nice to see Supcom flesh out a proper sea based economy in the way that T.A did. In T.A if you lost control of land, you could build a sea based economy with aquatic versions of thier land counterparts, but they were balanced (made more expensive and less efficient) to take into account the added protection and stealth that being underwater gave them (in the same way that a Fab based economy is less efficient than a Mex based one). The underwater Nuke reactors (T3 Pow Gens) were less efficient and required more resources to build, while the tidal generators (T1 pow gens) floated on the surface like torpedo launchers.
Furthermore, only certain structures should be buildable on water to keep the tactical variation between the land and sea realms. So some (re-balanced) economy could work, but not things like point defense.