We all know that all 4 faction ACUs have teleport. However, aside from Cybran's ACU as part of the "telemazor" endgame strategy, teleport is never used and never seen. Has anybody ever used teleport for UEF, Seraphim or Aeon ACUs? No, because it's underpowered and there is no point.
So, how to make teleport useful? The easy answer is to make the upgrade cost less, but that is wrong because it would be a huge buff to telemazer.
A better idea is actually rather simple: Make the time/energy cost associated with the teleport action dependent on how far the ACU is going from it's starting location.
What does that mean? Simply, ACU teleport works like this: First you buy the fairly expencive upgrade for the ACU, 15,000 mass. Then, you select teleport and click where you want to go. The ACU then "charges" for a few seconds, using thousands of energy during is time. Finally, when the time has elapsed and the energy used, the ACU warps to the new location. The time is always a few seconds, and the cost is always several thousand energy/sec.
To make this more useful tactically, however, I would consider making the charge time and energy cost dependant on distance. For reference, ACU main gun has a max range of 22. So, for a short-range teleport of 10 units, we could make it takes 0.1 seconds and use 100 energy. For a medium-range teleport of 1000 units, we could make it take 10 seconds and used 10,000 energy. For super-long range tele of 100,000 units, we could make it require 30 seconds (probably a reasonably maximum) and 20,000 energy (also a reasonable maximum).
What would this change do? It would keep long-range teleportation nearly the same, but would introduce tactical and strategic choices in regards to where and when to teleport. If you just telemazered a player in a team game, do you teleport all the way back to your own base and risk retaliation in the charge time, or do you teleport somewhere intermediate to facilitate a speedy retreat?
Further, this would have substantial tactical advantages. Specifically, with good micro, enough energy to run overcharge, and steady aim, an ACU with teleport could solo-kill land experimentals. Monkeylord in your base turning it's laser on your ACU? Teleport behind it, OC, and quickly teleport in front of it before it's gun turns all the way around again. Rinse and repeat until the enemy experimental dies, or the enemy team wises up and doesn't dare send an experimental into your base without support!
Thoughts? Opinions on this?