I see this Balance Discussion forum as being productive only if it acts as described in the stickied posts. I was thinking that a general format to new topics would aid individuals in proposing an area of the game balance to be assessed and discussed by the community. We seem to have things backwards in first suggesting our own fixes to our personal issues with balance. I see little constructiveness in beginning a new topic in this forum by immediately suggesting a fix with little other explanation.
I think a new topic is appropriate when you wish to propose a discussion about a certain area of balance which has no constructive thread already in existence. Original post needs to do no more than provide this area of balance to be discussed and their reasons for wanting that area discussed. What is it imbalanced and why do you think so? Original post should probably answer these two questions at minimum. Please consider how this area of balance may not seem balanced for you but may seem balanced to other players. Even the AI has different styles of play, players have near inifinitely more. A certain game mechanic may not be opimized for a rushing strategy, but it may be optimized for a teching strategy. Even so, rushing may be favored by the current game balance as a whole despite that particular area of balance favoring teching. Balance is never perfect, the best we can do is consider the game and playerbase as a whole when looking at specific game mechanics.
Replies of course debate the topic proposed by the original post. Debate is most effective when backed by facts and clearly illustrated logic. In furthering your points in a debate, replays and mathematical analysis are a couple great tools. It is important to keep a broad vision of game balance as a whole even while watching a replay of a game or sandbox test. Even a mathematical comparison of the cost-effectiveness of only two different units loses its meaning if you forget to consider factions/unit roles as a whole. A snoop may be able to completely counter it's cross-faction counter part, the mole, but that certainly does not prove that the mole should be buffed or that the snoop should be nerfed, not even close. However, that comparison is useful as part of a larger assessment. Eventually, the best fix may be one that does indeed buff or nerf one or both of those two units. More likely, we would find no obvious game imbalance.
A final point, the vast majority of observed game imbalance is impulsive. In general, impulses should be carefully considered before acting. I would never post a suggestion for a balance fix immediately after observing what I initially hypothesis to be possible imbalance. It takes an immense amount of thought and facts to determine whether something is actually imbalanced. Usually, this involves at the very least a few trips to the unit database linked on the FAF home page( which is up to date as far as I know?).