I have no clue where to post this - this is or is not a forum for balancing? If i'm in the wrong place, please give me a LINK to the correct place. thanks
the new feature where a unit will stop targeting an enemy if the enemy passes out of visual and radar range is a HUGE problem. it makes it almost impossible to attack in certain circumstances and leads to a LOT of micro to accomplish small tasks - making gameplay very non-enjoyable.
please watch the attached replay. there are 3 separate examples of this problem
example 1) at about 4:20 my (megatron219) interceptor finds jukeboxhero's transport and i issue a command to attack it. however, with every pass the interceptor makes, it loses the target because it goes out of visual range when it swings around. i had to manually have the plane come back to where i thought the transport was each pass, then target it again - this takes a LOT of concentration for a simple task.
example 2) shortly after i tried to engage jukeboxhero's interceptors. same problem - every time my interceptor makes a pass, it loses visual contact and stops attacking.
example 3) around 7:30 i start to bomb fwippapaws with t2 bombers - a number of times during this attack i lose sight of him, and the bombers stop. oftentimes, i dont even know that they've stopped targetting - this makes it really really hard to manage them
i think these problems are even worse on large maps - because it's impossible (especially early on) to have radar coverage everywhere - if you see a transport or a bomber coming across the water on setons, it's extremely difficult to kill because you have to manually track it down after you've first sighted it (since the first siting is usually by luck or happens really quickly)
in short - this new feature requires a LOT of attention to accomplish small tasks. you have to constantly pay attention to your attacking unit instead of managing the rest of your army. it's difficult to know when your attacking unit is no longer attacking because it has lost its target. i've heard a lot of people get upset over this new feature, and not a single person has said that they think it's a good feature. i suggest changing targeting to go back to the old way that it worked.