by Armmagedon » 02 Oct 2011, 20:11
funk nobody send gunships vs t1 AA if they don't have a high superiority number
gunships are OP cause they are fast and high hp for cost, you cant only compare dps of AA with dps of gunships.
gunships are 4 times more fast that
if you have 10 gunships and the enemy dont have many t1 stationarys AA, thing that is a waste of mass if the enemy dont attack with air, you only need kill the engies, thats really fast, and then your enemy cant spam nothing,
in the case of the enemy have AA in his base, only dont attack here and raid all,
its more fucked if the enemy is attacking you with spam cause you can spam gunships and the enemy AA is really far, and you pwn him.
flaks are not an effective counter vs gunships if your enemy isnt a noob, counter give you some type of advantage vs the enemy, flaks only are the only way for stop gunships.
you cant compare mercys and gunships, they have really different roles, you never send mercys to kill engies or other thing that dont are specific units like coms or t2 pgens(really i only see mercys attacking coms and exps), mercys dont have 1040hp, and are more slow, its like compare land kamikazes with t2 tanks, a kamikaze land do 5000 hp and cost the same that a t2 tank
respect to the jester, can find you some other unit that in less tech cost more that the high lvl one? and continue being worst.
in air wars is easy only spam air and gunships, if the enemy ints attack gunships your ints pwn them and you win the air superiority, cause a int have 280 hp and gunships 1040.
man i'm testing that in all the games yesterday, i killed really many coms with only do few of land spam, some air spam and spam gunships, and this is more easy to see in open maps with many mexes
actually a t2 gunships cost like 4 mantis, ¿how many time take t2 gunship in kill 4 mantis?have near the same hp that the 4 mantis and they are more fast and fly, spam gunships is effective in near all situations cause they are tooooooo cheap