In a discussion about SCUs, somebody linked to a mod that allows gates to teleport units to other gates. A basic summary of the function is this:
Quantum Gates have the "teleport" ability. When activated, the gate checks where its rally point is, selects an appropriate other gate nearby (can be same player's or allied player's gate), then begins a 30 second teleport sequence and teleports every allied unit nearby. During this time, it uses -1000 energy base, plus more energy for each unit. Tech 1 units are -50 each, with higher techs being more expencive and ACUs/SCUs being about -5000 for a total of 30,000 energy to use the ability, 1,500 energy to teleport a tech 1 unit and up to 150,000 energy to teleport an ACU or SCU. Experimentals can also be teleported but are more expensive. The sequence cannot be cancelled, allied units cannot move or shoot while being teleported and if a receiving gate is destroyed during the teleportation sequence, all units being teleported and the sending gate die.
Having reviewed and tested this mod... I think it has a lot of potential and I would like to incorporate it into FAF... but I think a few changes would be necessary.
-First, the gate itself should be made more durable and more expencive. Right now, it's cheap and fragile.... 3,000 mass and 10,000 health. 5,000 mass and 20,000 health are more fair, imo, if we're going to make it useful for teleporation.
-Second, the teleportation mechanic needs to be able to work independant of a receiving gate. Although potentially useful in limited situations such as supporting allies or whatever, requiring a recieving gate is simply too much, in my opinion.
-Third, to balance not requiring a recieving gate will be two components: First, a teleporation beacon will spawn at the rally point is a nearby allied gate is not present, such as when teleporting into an empty area. This beacon (we'll call it a tether) will be vulnerable to attack and, if killed, will destroy the sending gate and all units being teleported. Second, the time needed to send units will be doubled, from 30 seconds to a minute, thereby also increasing the energy cost associated with gate-less teleportation. Seeing as gates cost less than 100,000 energy to build out-right, this will make tethered teleporting considerably less efficient and riskier than double-gated teleporting. Ideally, it would encourage strategies such as sending and engineering team through a tethered teleport to a remote location to build a gate there, and then teleporting a larger army through double-gate teleporting after that. Also, with the beacon vulnerable to attack for a full minute before arrival of the attack force, teleporting units directly into an enemy base is... not viable except in conditions of extreme negligence on the part of the defender. Further, defending against teleportation would require, at most, a few scattered T2 PD or a gunship on patrol.
-Fourth, I'd increase the range of the gate teleportation ability to allow for naval units to be teleported if the the gate is built near water. In this way, ships can be teleported as well.
-Fifth, I'd enable teleportation to all gates... allied AND enemy. With this, it would add a very unique gate-against-gate warfare. The teleporation effect is visible at both sending and receiving gates... so attempting to teleport to an enemy gate would have both risks and rewards. Risks would be, obviously, they'd see you coming 30 seconds in advance and could kill your entire attack force if they Ctrl K their own gate prior to the arrival of the gating forces, causing all gating forces and your own gate to perish. However, you could use this intentionally... you could decide to gate a T1 scout to shut down the enemy gate for 30 seconds. Or, you can link your gate to the enemy gate directly and simply Ctrl K your gate to kill his. Further, this allows quantum gates themselves to be used as a defense against teleportation.... if you don't ever use your own to attack, anybody using theirs to attack you will give you a 30 second window to destroy your own gate and thereby instantly destroy all attackers.
So yes. That roughly sums up what I'd like to do with quantum gates in FAF.