Lu_Xun_17 wrote:I know the topic is about gunships, but i'd like to extand this to T2 air :
I discovered yesterday how imba could be T2 cybran fightbomber. Before it was ok, but with a high level of microgestion, this unit can shoot without being attacked by AA
REPLAY: ... SCFAReplay
(it's a 3599 game, but it might be so more imba in 3608, and concerning this game, i of course deserved to lose it)
(i know you're many cybran players here, so don't flog me too high when i critic one of your babies)
One of the sollution would be to reduce the range of shooting maybe.
What Lu is talking about in this post is that ZLO uses a combination of move, attack move and stop orders to allow his Cybran tech 2 Fighter Bombers, also called Corsairs, to attack targets without flying over them. Additionally, because the Corsair's anti-ground weapon has a random of 45 compared to tech 2 mobile flak's range of only 40, this allows the Corsair to kite groups of anti-air and kill them without receiving any damage in return. To watch this in the replay, skip to about 25 minutes in.
Before I change anything about Corsairs for the patch, this must be established as being a bug, rather than a balance issue. The reason is that I can fix bugs, but balance is off limits. Further, due to the nature of this issue, any changes I make will impact balance in some way. Specifically, I'd have to mess with the weapon properties and the projectiles physics to make sure that the Corsair behaves more like other tech 1/2/3 bombers and in a way that is not exploitable like this.
However, I expect there to be come disputes about this. In favor of the bug argument, clearly using a T2 fighter bomber to counter AA units is unintended by the creators and abusive. Further, it requires a great deal of micro and doesn't contribute to the strategy-centered focus on FAF.
On the balance side of the argument, you can make the comparison to tech 1 bombers double dropping, and that it adds skill to be able to micro bombers in this way, and that doing so distracts from macro management and other areas of battle. Or, you could make the argument that because of the Corsair's unique firing attributes that causes it to sometimes missiles small, stationary targets that this makes up for that weakness.
So... What do you guys think? Is this issue bug or balance?