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You NEVER see an unnasisted T3 fac online. The idea of not assisting a t3 fac is insane. EVERY T3 fac you see will be surounded by 20-50 T1 engineers. If you increase factorys buildpower you cut out the need for these engineers that otherwise just sit there and eat up CPU power that make the game slow.
What I am sugesting is T2 double buildpower and T3 fac triple buildpower. I dont care if you increase there cost from 3150 to 3500 for T3 or 800-900 for T2 as this increase in buildpower will improve gameplay I think. It is still good to assist a T3 fac instead of getting a new one but you wont need the insane amount of T1 enineers and if you get an early one you might not need to assist it.
There have been other topics on increasing engineers buildspeed and I agree that this would help. However I think increasing factorys buildpower it a better solution to the problem as even if T3 engineers and T1 engineers are the same buildrate-mass ratio people will still spam T1 engineers because they dont waste time getting T3 engineers when they could be getting T3 units.
T1 engineer - 10.4 mass/buildrate
T1 fac - 12 mass/buildrate
T2 fac - 26 mass/buildrate
T3 fac - 69.8 mass/buildrate
with changes
T2 fac - 13 mass/buildrate
T3 fac - 23.3 mass/buildrate
As you can see its better to spam t2 facs now than 1 t2 fac with engineers assiting.
and t3 facs are good too but assisting with T1 engineers is still cheaper than getting new fac.
you will get brick/percy in 1.20 with old t3 fac but 26 seconds with new buildrate. MUCH better.
this would also mean T3 facs are cheaper than engineering stations in 3603. Thius would solve some faction imbalance as well. also will help greatly with the units refuse the move on large maps bug as there wont be 400 T1 engineers a side.