why acu cant build some stuff.

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why acu cant build some stuff.

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 26 Oct 2011, 01:43

Why is acu not able to build
-hydrocarbom power plant
-mass/E storage

Just wondering why realy. I can sort of see about the radar as it could get you nice advantage in forward position but dont know about mass/e storage By time you get storage on mex acu normaly T2 building or you got plenty of engineers to do the job. And hydro. Prehaps this was just carried over from SCvanilla where you could not build a fac first due to the less starting resorces so had to build pgens first instead and for some reason they did not like people building hydros first. In fa this is not the case and dont make much sense

check your units/game ... it can build walls :mrgreen: - fixed
Last edited by noobymcnoobcake on 26 Oct 2011, 19:46, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: why acu cant build some stuff.

Postby -_V_- » 26 Oct 2011, 02:27

check your units/game ... it can build walls :mrgreen:
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