Buff t1 mobile AA

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Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby Pavese » 28 Oct 2011, 14:22

I open this new thread because ubers thread is filled with "proove your pint" "your point is invalid" discussion, walls of text, quotes of walls of text and not productive + its not about bomber, its about its counter.

T1 mobile AA is currently not effective as a counter to air. Its only punishing when you play stupid and leave your air exposed to it for a rather long time. Watch the replay i added. It shows 25 Interceptors flying over 25 T1 mobile aa. This should be a punishing move but its not. I loose only 3 Interceptors in the process. Punishment from a counter looks slightly different (see t2 aa that follows up).

It also takes 12+ hits to kill a bomber. Even with a scout a single aa utilizing its full range cant get that many hits in the time the bomber passes by, guaranteeing an escape or a second run.

Also this would be a more useable counter against t2 air with its cheap and strong gunships.

I don't want you to loose all your stuff when you fly over aa, but it should be more noticeable and punishing. Air is still mobile and agile enough to avoid any aa. get scouts, kill stuff and do everything else that air usually does.
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Re: Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby Kryo » 28 Oct 2011, 14:46

t1 aa doesnt hit very well (mobile and stationary...) stationary makes this ok b y doing good damage.

mobile aa doesnt, but it is very cheap. I dont think it needs a lot of buffs, maybe increase projectile speed a little bit, so it can hit better.
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Re: Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby TAG_ROCK » 29 Oct 2011, 21:44

I concur a buff would be welcome, I hate flying ints over t1 AA like they are not there. I think all air in general is too much HP especially t2 Gunships.

On that note t1 Bombers die to 3 t1 AA moving in the bombers direction in one pass.

I think a speed of projectile increase is ok, but also lowering ints and t2 gunships HP (to that of Jester or just a bit more)
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Re: Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby FunkOff » 29 Oct 2011, 21:57

I'd rather just make mobile AA like tanks... cost the same and do the same dps. That would be a change from 36 mass to 50, and a change from 16 dps to 24.
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Re: Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 03 Nov 2011, 21:38

FunkOff wrote:I'd rather just make mobile AA like tanks... cost the same and do the same dps. That would be a change from 36 mass to 50, and a change from 16 dps to 24.

I like that idea too. Would make T2 gunships slightly less of a problem and T1 aa more usefull.
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Re: Buff t1 mobile AA

Postby Mr Pinguin » 06 Nov 2011, 01:21

I can agree that T1 AA may be a bit underpowered, but I want to point out that it's not fair to compare it with T2 mobile AA. T2 mobile flak can be ridiculously cost effective. ~5 of them can decimate huge wings of T1 or T2 air, including the more expensive and higher HP air like Janus bombers.

I've actually debated before about whether or not T2 mobile flak should be nerfed (something like a small reduction to its damage radius). It's obviously meant to be a hard counter, but on smaller maps (or maps where the activity is concentrated around small islands), small numbers of T2 flak can hold off an almost infinite number of T2 planes.

Sorry if this seems a bit off-topic, I'm just saying that I'd hate for T1 AA to be that good. (And without splash damage, it won't be). I think it's fun that players can bum-rush enemy bases with T1 bombers, and I think the balance there is pretty delicate.
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