And among other things, I noticed some very disturbing changes :
T2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
Reduced mass and energy cost by 30%
T3 SAMs costs reduced significantly from 1400M 12000E to 800M 8000E
T3 Air Factory energy cost increased (72000). Mass cost reduced to 2750 from 3150.
T3 Air Energy costs increased 50%, with the exception of the Solace and Air superiority Fighters, who increased +100%.
While I would say that making the energy costs twice its former costs is fair enough to nerf the t3 air and limit his alleged OPness, reducing the costs of SAMS and reducing drastically the costs of flaks seem a bit too much. My guess is that it's beyond castration.
I do not have enough experience with 3605+ balance and its air, but it *SEEMS* that t3 and t2 air are too greatly easily countered and therefore has lost way too much influence. It seems that it's now much much much much harder to save , let's say a naval fight, than before especially since the cruisers AA have been buffed by 25% if i remember correctly.
Once again , I am merely asking for your opinion since I lack the exp with the specified balances mod.